Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge Saturday, April 3rd: National Find a Rainbow Day Tea #3
I had this one last night! A perfect day to write a note for this one. First of all, I don’t know if it’s just my particular pouch but this blend must be 96% chamomile and mostly chamomile dust! What the heck. Luckily I don’t mind chamomile, but this blend certainly isn’t called “rainbow chamomile”. There are very little spices here for what is named a chai. And the brew results in the most BLUE colored tea I have ever seen…. though I hardly see any of the blue pea flower in the blend at all. Of course the flavor is mostly chamomile with only the merest hint of spice (only cinnamon really). The second steep was bland, despite the VERY LONG steep time of 15 minutes. It’s rare I can’t have a second steep result in a decent cup, but this was very weak chamomile and nothing more. It’s fine if I’m looking for chamomile but it’s a chai fail.
Steep #1 // 10 minutes after boiling // 2-3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 15 min steep
This does not sound like a tea for me. I don’t like chamomile, but chamomile dust sounds even worse…
Yeah, I thought their interpretation of this one was a little confusing.
This does not sound like a tea for me. I don’t like chamomile, but chamomile dust sounds even worse…
Yeah, is the tiny dust normally what they use in chamomile rather than the actual full flowers?