Another 52Teas blend I wanted to try and just happened to show up in the last mystery bag sale! There is one thing here that makes this more of an “eggnog” chai… I’m getting more hints of nutmeg than I usually would in chai. I love nutmeg, so I’m happy when I see it in blends. Otherwise, this is a really delicious chai with a nice robust black tea base. I love a chai with a deep, dark base. (Though It’s probably because I used two teaspoons here.) I think even just using more nutmeg would have made this one seem more like eggnog, so it isn’t as perfect as I would hope. As a chai, it’s fantastic. :D Though I must admit I loved Frank’s Eggnog Yunnan… it had a ton of nutmeg with a yunnan base. I’d love to see more 52Teas with yunnan bases…. maybe something with actual pumpkin chunks?! Yunnan, pumpkin, tons of nutmeg, tons of cinnamon, vanilla? I just got the new pumpkin blend today and I’m very excited to try it tomorrow!
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug// 10 minutes after boiling // 3-4 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5 minute steep
… and I’m sipping 52teas Chocolate Banana Honeybush now. Yep, I’m still a 52Teas addict. :D