297 Tasting Notes
I ran into Teavana today because I am coming down with a cold. Fabulous, just before I start working full time. So i asked my friend which one I should have. She recommended this one, hot with some honey. It smells nicely citrusey.
Once ready its nicely citrusy with a huge hit f ginger. I’m not a major fan of ginger in yeas, but this works. It was nice and soothing as i sipped it, it could have used a little less honey. I also brought home 50g of it, I think this would be a pretty good iced tea.
So it looks like I am the only person who doesnt like this tea. The dry notes smell terrible, and as they steep it smells like vomit (literally). Once it has steeped I do get a hint of a coconut and chocolate smell, but mostly just a really gross pukey smell. And once you sip it I get more of the same. I just can’t drink this. YUCK! Maybe there was something that happened to this sample but wow.
I won’t give this a numerical rating because it seems that something went wring with this one.
So I definitely thought vomit when I smelled this tea too… although it was drinkable for me when cold (lost the vomit smell once steeped). Very offputting though…
EEK!!!!!!!! I have had that happen to me before as well in other teas! I remember specifically one from Adagio! I wonder why this is? Mine was a but off putting but not like THAT! I do notice some teas with coconut in them often smell icky but once steeped are okay.
I got this in a swap and there was only enough for a small mug.
The dry notes are deliciously maple scented. As it steeps I can smell maple and rooibos, I feared I would not like this because of the rooibos. And frankly I would jot he Canadian if i couldnt enjoy a tea that is our name sake.
So I’m guessing because its a blend of rooibos and honeybush I actually enjoy this, although I find it way too light. I think this is because of the lack of leaves. I do get a light taste of maple, but that could be from the syrop I added.
Puke Buttered rum I won’t give it a numerical rating until I can use the right amount of leaves.
I got this tea in a swap. There was JUST enough leaves to make a small cup of tea.
The dry leaves smell just like butter. As it steeps it still smells like butter. I can already tell this is going to be really good, or really horrible.
Right now I’m tasting buttered popcorn. Not exactly what I expected, but different. I’m even getting a hint of salt.
This is a good cup of tea, but I don’t think drinking a cup of buttered popcorn is something I could enjoy frequently.
After reading all the reviews I really feel like I am missing out with this tea due to the lack of leaves. So I am not giving it a numerical rating and I am going to wait until I can get a decent amount of leaves.
I received this in a swap, sorry I don’t remember from who. The dry notes smell sweet & tangy almost like cheesecake & I definetly get the cherry scent. As it steeps it smells like puffed wheat, I guess that’s from the rice. Once it has steeped it smells only of green tea.
So far I’m not getting any cheesecake flavours, hopefully as it cools & I’m actually able to drink it, the flavours come through. I’m not getting any cheesecake flavours still. This is a nicely flavoured green tea, but not a cheesecake one. I feel that I can taste a toasty rice flavour near the end of the sip, followed by a green tea taste.
As it comes to room temperature I get a bit of that tang that hits the back of your tongue, like cheesecake does. I am now getting more of the toasted rice flavour.
This is a nice green tea, but probably not one I would purchase, but I will definetly enjoy the rest.
I was trying to find a tea this morning that would cure me of the spins, as a result of lastnight’s escapades. Don’t judge, I rarely drink and after all the fireman business I needed a night out, alas it did not work haha
I’m not sure who I got his one from but it was in a swap and on my shopping list.
it did smell a bit on the old side and unfortunately this came through a bit on the taste, but the apple comes out enough to mask it and be a good apple tea. I don’t really think I am getting any other flavours here. I thought it could use more cinnamon but then it would probably taste too much like Forever Nuts.
overall a good apple tea that is mice and light
I drank this iced yesterday, I received it in my summer iced tea swap from Amanda.
I’m trying to go through everything in my cupboard and clear out what I don’t like.
I added a fair bit of honey to this to kill the rooibos, it worked but I think I lost most of the other flavours. it was drinkable but still not something I would stock, but those are just my rooibos loathing taste buds talking.
I also got this one from will work for tea
My girls are in the process of having a sleepover, so I’ve got four girps here plus my parents dog while they are in Newfoundland for two weeks. Everyone is grumpy because they went to bed too late. The only thing keeping me sane is the tea. This is my second black tea of the day : O
So the dry notes smell.mostly of black tea with a slight sweet smell. As it steeps it gets a bit of a caramel scent but no.butterscotch. As it cools a but i begin to smells the butterscotch, it smells like.candy. I wait impatiently for it to cool enough to drink.
On the first sips I am getting mainly a black tea flavour with a hint of sweet.
It cools a bit.more so I can drink it and although it has a slightly sweet taste (which may.only be from the blob of honey that I added) it still mainly tastes like a black tea, that I could perhaps drinl, but don’t feel inclined to do so.
I received this in a swap from will work for tea
I love the look of the tea, you can see all the spices in it and the coconut too. What i dont like is the smell, its very off putting, I can’t quite place what it smells like.
Once steeping the.spices start to come out, it smells very.nicely spiced and no one spice over powers the other.
On first sip you get all the spices blending perfectly just as in the smell, however I am not tasting any coconut whatsoever. The full spice flavour continues throughout the cup and if I try really hard i get a hint of coconut after the sip where it lingers on your tongue.
Over all a good spiced tea, but not a coconut one. I have yet to find a hot tea where the coconut really comes out at the front. I am glad to have this one though.
I finally trapesed my butt into Teavana yesterday. After the ridiculously hard time my youngest gave me while school shopping I thought I deserved a tea break. I went in knowing I wanted something hot and fall like, it’s a little more soothing I find. I smelt a few and I guess from the stress I don’t even remember what I had or how it tasted.
I did however bring some of the white Ayurvedic chai home. I had it this afternoon, the dry notes smell exactly like cinnamon hearts. Once steeped it keeps this smell and it tastes just like them as well. Like their blend that I have I find it to be very light on flavour. It’s a little on the sweet side, but it’s manageable, however as it cools it becomes far too sweet and is basically drinking a cup of cinnamon hearts, just not as flavourful or hot.
I don’t think I would re-purchase this, not even to keep me warm this fall.