297 Tasting Notes
Sip down day #2/tea #1
The dry notes smell nutty and slightly sweet. Once steeped it smells just like Brazil nuts, I feel like I should be reaching over and popping one of Tue deli opus, crunchy nuts into my mouth.
The tea tastes mainly like a black tea. The Brazil nut flavour lingers at the end of The the sip.
Unfortunately this tea is nothing to write home about. I’ll finish the cup because I need Tue caffeine this morning. I finally fell asleep around 5am and was up at 7:15am to get my girls ready for school. And now I have to work till 8 tonight. Tea is the only thing that will keep me sane.
Technically this is sip down #6. #5 was Blazing Strawberry, but I realized I had previously tried it jot and it still does nothing for me.
Onto the tea at hand. The dry notes smell artificially fruity. As it does once steeped. I saw a little chuck of kiwis in there.
Fruity… apple-ish… cherry, yum. So far no nuttiness. This should he called fruit salad. I feel like I can taste a million different fruit in this all playing off each other.
This is a good-un. Too bad i only got a sample. I bet this would also be great cold.
Sip down #4
The dry notes smell mostly of cream with a hint of candied pumpkin. Once steeped it smells very creamy.
It’s a little spiced like pumpkin pie and mainly creamy. There is however some astringency.
I’ve been having issues with my black teas lately. I must be steeping too long. So I’m going to add a bit of milk to this and see how that goes. It definitely helped to get rid of Tue astringency and it still tastes mostly like cream with that hint of pumpkin pie.
Although not my fav tea, it will stay in my cupboard.
Sip down #3
I got this as a sample when I placed my first order with Fusion Teas.
The dry notes smell bakery and like blueberry. The steeped tea smells more Haley than the dry notes.
The first sip is slightly tart, it has a nice blueberry taste, mostly artificial blueberry and quite Haley. It’s more like one of those pre-made muffins you’d get in a convinience store, than a fresh made one.
This is a solid tisane. A great morning cup. I bet this would be great with a hit of milk added to it. It looses a little because it is tart.
As I was typing my review for sip down #2 this tea was sitting beside le and smelt just like a blueberry muffin was next to me.
My local kitchen store had all their loose leaf teas on sale for ONE DOLLAR! :o That was suppose to he for 50g, but when i got there I found 2-4 oz bags for $1 no tax. Oh my. Unfortunately there weren’t many flavoured ones left. But I did grab this one which i thought would be a gem and then some teas for the travelling tea box.
The dry notes smell very spicy, mostly of cinnamon, almost like cinnamon hearts, but not as sweet smelling. Once steeped it stills smells spicy.
On the first sip its still very hot and I mostly get a black tea taste :( booo, with the yummy spices taking a back seat. I prefer when the tea taste takes a back seat to the flavour aspect of Tue tea.
Unfortunately the black tea stays at the forefront. This isn’t a horrible tea, by any means, but with the smell its not what i was expecting. I’m not sure if this is making its way into my cupboard. I will probably have to have it again to make that decision, for now it goes back into my sip down pile.
Can’t really complain since I did only pay $1 for 2.4oz of it.
Sip down #1
The dry notes smell like mango candy. Once steeped it smells like mango and peppers. Maybe this will be the first tea to deliver the spice. I love how you can see the chili strings and seeds in the leaves.
The first hit on your tongue is peppers, not spicy, but peppers. As the tea hits the back of your tongue and your throat you get the spice from the peppers. Oh deliciously spicy peppers. The hit of mango is very light and lingers on the tongue.
I am so glad I finally found a tea that promises the heat. This is going back into my cupboard. The only downfall of this tea is that I feel the mango could come out more strongly.
You’d want to avoid this tea if you’re prone to heart burn
EDIT: as this cools to about room temp, the first taste on the tongue is of mango and the spice looses some of its power.
Come to think of it I think I have tried this. Need to go look and see if I liked it or not. I love peppery tea!
Nope I must have wanted to try it but never did.
I would love to send some to you to try! I am always disappointed with teas that are suppose to be spicy, but not this one.
So when I originally bought this I bought it to be iced, but upon smelling it I felt it would be better hot. I’ve said before certain teas should only be served one way & this smelt like a hot tea to me.
So now that we have had a few cold/rainy days I have been brewing up some hot teas. This one smells spicy & a little fruity. Once steeped it tastes deliciously spicy. On occasion at the end of the sip I get a peppery taste. Over all I get a delicious blend of spices and…. pistachios. Oh delicious pistachios with spices? Indeed that is just what this tastes like. So good, a little on the sweet side, which I could do without, but it’s still a do-able tea for me.
I finally got around to trying this, only after having it for months and swapping most of it out.
The dry notes.smell very artificially chocolatey.
Once steeped it tastes just like neapolitan ice cream. I always find with the ice cream the chocolate comes out the ost and the same goes for this tea. I feel like I am eating a melted bowl of ice cream. As it reached room temperature it didnt taste as good, so im going to chill the rest and add a little bit of milk to it.
I finally found a need for this tea. I pur based it for 7 dollars when Teaopia closed. So after the soothing effect of my other tea ran out I brewed this one up. The dry notes smell mostly of spices, I feel like i should be cooking with this instead of steeping it. I added some honey to it to help with all the symptoms i am feeling right now.
It really isn’t a great tasting tea, it actually kind of tastes like crap, but the name doesn’t lie it is definitely soothing my sore scratchy throat. I won’t give it a numerical rating based on taste, but for affect it gets 100!
While I was in Teavana my friend had steeped a cup of this for herself to try. She let me try it and then gave me the cup to take home.
I’m not sure what tue dry notes smell like as I didn’t smell them. The steeped tea smells slightly floral like and a little like grape. Mmmm this Is a good one. Nice and light, with a hint of floral and followed by gtape. It doesn’t taste like an axtual grape, it tastes like purple easter candy or purple jelly beans.
I think I may have to add this to ky cupboard.