I received this in a swap, sorry I don’t remember from who. The dry notes smell sweet & tangy almost like cheesecake & I definetly get the cherry scent. As it steeps it smells like puffed wheat, I guess that’s from the rice. Once it has steeped it smells only of green tea.
So far I’m not getting any cheesecake flavours, hopefully as it cools & I’m actually able to drink it, the flavours come through. I’m not getting any cheesecake flavours still. This is a nicely flavoured green tea, but not a cheesecake one. I feel that I can taste a toasty rice flavour near the end of the sip, followed by a green tea taste.
As it comes to room temperature I get a bit of that tang that hits the back of your tongue, like cheesecake does. I am now getting more of the toasted rice flavour.
This is a nice green tea, but probably not one I would purchase, but I will definetly enjoy the rest.
195 °F / 90 °C
3 min, 0 sec
Too bad it was not better – the idea of this flavor really sounds AMAZING