297 Tasting Notes


Seems every Teavana review i read is about how pushy they were or how terrible their tea is. I’m not sure if my experience is better a- because my store use to be a Teaopia or b- I’m always in there when the manger, who happens to be a friend of mine is working. I’ve only ever had one employee get on my nerves and it really wasn’t that bad.

So onto my review. I’ve tried this in store once or twice because they usually have it as a sample. I was convinced I loved it & needed to buy it, but I couldn’t justify the $22/50g that they wanted. So thanks to Sara, I got to try this one before spending a fortune on it.

I swear in store in was better. Not quite as floral like & more buttery & earthy. Maybe for once I will do a second steep on my leaves.
This was good, however a little too floral for me. I had a hard time drinking my full mug, so this is something I would have to brew up for smaller cups.
I really don’t think I would spend the money on this one, but really am grateful to have tried it.
However we’ll see how steep 2 goes.

ETA: did my second steep on the leaves yesterday morning. basically tasted like I put orchids in a juicer & drank it. not one I will resteep

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Funny story about a Teavana employee (bless her heart, she was probably new), but I used the word “gaiwan” while she was trying to sell my friend and me some of their fine bone china lidded mugs (I forget exactly how I’d used it), and she immediately began saying how so much of the stuff in their store is kind of girly, so it can be hard to buy for a guy unless you know what he likes… I guess ‘cause she thought I’d said “guy one.” xD It was kind of hilarious.

And I have found that their Golden Monkey, while good, is just not quite my ideal oolong either.

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drank Cherry Pie by Steeped Tea
297 tasting notes

You know cherry flavouring can be medicinal? Yea well not here.
This is like you opened a can of cherry pie filling. Om nom nom!
I swear as it steeps you get a crust scent.

ahhhh yes no sign of rooibos. And only cherry pie filling with the hint of crust at the end of the taste.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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Smells of creamy coconut, but also some underlying kind of unpleasant smell.

Steeped it’s much of the same smell.
I’m not getting any coconut taste, however this is very creamy & lightly sweet. You get the white tea base following all the creamyness. Mmmmmm

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Coconut Calypso tastes amazing as an iced tea, like nothing out there. The coconut really comes through with the cold steeping!

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Smell….. so much limey goodness. Not fresh lime though, like key lime pie scent.

Steeped the tastes isn’t as strong as the smell. It’s creamy lime goodness. As the smell it’s like key lime pie. I’m not getting any coconut taste, but this is really tasty. My fav of the ones I’ve had so far.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This was a really nice tasting black tea, but unfortunetly I detect no tastes of Maple or cinnamon, maybe some vanilla which is why it’s smooth.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Goji Pop by DAVIDsTEA
297 tasting notes

Another sample that I don’t know where it came from. Bad tattoed, bad. Apologies!

Why oh why did I wait so long to try this? It is so good. By the time I drank it it had reached room temp & now it is pretty cold.
At room temp this was very good, fruity, juicy. & melon like. So yummy. Even colder now it’s better. Definitely one that would be fabulous iced this summer by the pool ( maybe with a touchof vodka…. shhhh)

Also a great alternative to juice for the kids.

ETA: My daughter downed the rest of the mug. Guess it is a good one!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Another from alphakitty

It looks like Forever Nuts, it smells like it, it even turns pink like it. Sure enough it tastes just like yummy, delicious Forever Nuts.

so good!!

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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Again not sure who I got this one from.

This steeped up rather dark for a white tea.
It has a light honey dew taste and a strong earthy taste, which pretty well takes over.
There was some bitterness which may have been a result of a slight over steeping. Darn finicky white tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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I’m not sure who this came from.

ick, this is terrible. I only got a hint of what tasted like it was suppose to be Graham cracker. No smoke, no cream, just black and that slight almost spice taste.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Sounds like yours might have been stale.

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drank Bangkok by Harney & Sons
297 tasting notes

Another sample from a swap, this time from kasumi

When I opened the baggie I couldn’t figure out why I would request this, it wasn’t until after I drank it & read the description that I realized why I would ask for this.

This was very different in taste from something I would normally choose, but I’m glad I did. It’s earthy & slightly spicy from the Ginger. and then you get the creamy coconut deliciousness at the end of the sip. I really enjoyed this one.
Definitely want more.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Heavily tattooed mom of two. Lover of tea. Body piercer.

Addicted to tea & my addiction has been fueled even more so by Steepster!


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