297 Tasting Notes
tea #5 of iceday sipdown
I received this one from alphakitty, hmmm yea pretty sure that’s who this one was from.
this smells mostly vanilla like with a hint of mint.
it tastes the opposite mostly mint (although lightly) with a hint of vanilla.
this is a very light puerh, it would be great after a meal, most likely lunch, cause if I drank it after supper I’d be wired all night.
I really like this one, light & delicious. definitely want to add this to my cupboard.
tea #3 of iceday sip down
also received this one from kasumi
I forgot to smell the dry leaves, but as soon as the hot water hit this I could smell pine needles. really? in a Chinese/ Japanese tea? oh but yes, the smell & taste reminds me of camping, I can smell it sitting here next to me.
it tastes like choke cherries, so delicious, tart & dry. yum! as this cools in tastes just like wintergreen leaves I would pick from the forest floor, yet sweet & tart. this is Devine!
I think this is my first Lupicia tea. I must get more, but I think the green would be even better. although this is quite the light flavored black.
tea #2 of my iceday sipdown
I received a sample from kasumi, I used a little too much water for the amount of leaves I had. dry this smells berry like, a mix of them.
I over steeped it a lil too much and I could smell the astringency and that’s basically all I could taste.
so boo on this one, so rating for now on this one either.
So basically the city is shut down today due to weather, no busses, no mail, no school (college & university included), even Walmart is closing. Highways closed to & from the city.
So I’m doing a sample sipdown. Finished off pineapple upsidedown cake.
Then this.
I wasn’t getting much of this flavour wise, I was getting scents of spices & almost coffee like smells.
I’m still not sure how this actually tastes, I have a wee bit left to make a small mug. So we will see then.
No numerical rating for now.
gasp This is one of my favourites! I usually steep is closer to five minutes though. A little milk and a little sugar is a must though!
Yea I’m not positive what happened. Will try with the wee bit I have left. I’ll try the 5 min steep.
I’m not much of a fan of pineapple, of any sort, fresh, canned, juice etc. But I love Della Terra, so I definetly wanted to try this.
I received it in a swap from chukie.
This smells very bakey, cakey goodness.
It steeps up much the same, so delicious. Certain teas should be made into candles, this is one. hmmmm that gives me an idea…
Anyways this is very cake like, at first I didn’t think I tasted pineapple, but on the third sips & so on I got a slight hint of sweet, tangy pineapple.
This is really great. So good. Another win!
damn you steepster you ate my note!
I received this in a swap from Jude, I’m not positive this is actually from Simpson & Vail
The dry notes smell cookie like, but only lightly so.
As this steeped I had to sniff around trying to figure out where the baking cookie smell was coming from…. duh, my tea. Even my girls couldn’t believe how much it smelt like actual cookies baking. This is by far the most aromatic tea I’ve ever had.
It’s a little light on taste, only slightly cookie, maybe a bit stale. Could be my steeping I used a little less leaves than usual & kinda forgot about it.
I do believe I have more coming from someone else, so I’ll definitely have to experiment with this one, it’s got so much yummy potential.
ETA: re-tried this, more cookie flavour this time, however still getting the old/stale taste. Still a really great flavour though.
Hey there — have you tried it again with more leaves? Pretty confident it’s not stale since I bought it in mid-December … and unfortunately just found out that it’s a seasonal tea at Wegman’s so they only have it in for a couple of months and can’t order more :( BTW, the tea dept mgr told me this is a Rishi tea.
I received my matcha order & decided I wanted to mix 2 flavours. Hello Cookies & Cream Cheescake.
So I mixed roughly equal part cookies & cream matcha & cheesecake match.
Although I definetly got some sweetness (didn’t add anything), I’m not positive how I feel about this one.
Neither flavour stands out & there is an almost alcohol tasting quality to it. :/ It’s creamy & dessert tasting as well, but not as much as I hoped from other reviews. I dunno, hopefully I have better luck trying them seperately.
received this in a swap from nwolf
if anyone could see me right now theyd think I was nuts, sitting here with my nose in the cupand my eyes closed… and yea my mouth is watering from the amazing smell.
this smells so much like strawberry rhubarb pie it’s freaky.
I can taste delicious tart rhubarb & sweet juicy strawberry. Not getting any parfait taste or pie taste, but pure pie filling. ermahgerd!! so freaking good.
I wonder what this would taste like mixed with Della Terra’s Oatmeal rasin cookie. that may give it the bakeyness needed to taste pie. maybe the next one.
I bought this as one of the teas for the participants in the 12 days of Christmas swap.
I had tried this mixed with the maple bacon tea. it was unique.
today I brewed it up on it’s own. my first sip tasted just like pancake, but not any pancake, you know when there is slightly too much butter in the pan & the edges of a pancake are almost deep fried? Crunchy, buttery & bakey yummy yum yum
if you’ve never had a pancake like this, go, now & make some. My grandmother use to make all pancakes this way.
it’s strange the flavour throughout didn’t come through the rest of my mug.
I got a mostly black tea flavour with maple & occasionally some pancake flavour.