Steepsterites, I started going through my dashboard, realized that I have way too much to catch up on, then realized that I have a lot of tea to log, and then realized that I have email from a week ago that I still needed to respond to, and then realized that it was already 1:30 AM.
When did that happen? It was 11:00 PM two minutes ago! I demand to know where all that time slipped away to. Probably somewhere on the island with Jack and Sawyer and Kate and Desmond. Mm…Desmond. But I digress. [Again.]
Anyhow, you’ll have to bear with me as I slowly, slowly, [or maybe not so much, because 14-odd days of logs is really daunting] try and catch up with what’s been going on in the Steepster-verse. I feel like I’ve finally nailed a decent rhythm so far as school goes, but I’ve got a bit of crazy week coming up and so I’m just letting you know I might be fading in and out a bit [not unlike AT&T’s wireless signal – I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it; their commercials have been driving me crazy]. Okay, on to the tea.
I’ve had some pretty bad Earl Grey in the span of my tea drinking experience. For me, most Earl Greys tend to fall in the middling to bleh range. Andrews and Dunham’s definitely doesn’t land with the majority.
Is this the best Earl Grey I’ve had? No. But it’s solid. The bergamot is visible, but not overwhelming, and I found the finish to be sweet. Overall, it was a very smooth tea, though I did notice it getting a little bitter as it cooled.
I don’t think that this is going to be an Earl Grey that knocks people over with wow factor [especially those drinkers that are more discerning in their Earl Grey tastes than I], but I also don’t think it would be disappointing. It’s one of those teas that I’ll enjoy drinking until it’s gone, but doesn’t scream for a re-order.
Hahaha, Mike, I was thinking the same thing, because WTF. I watched the entire thing with my mouth half-open. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”
:D And yay for Earl Grey being better-than-average! Samovar’s is still the best one I’ve tasted.
I don’t mind no spoilers, but I’m not sure how other people feel about spoilers? But can I just throw in a mighty big WTF??? I fully trust that this season is going to rock. Hard.
@teaplz Did you cry? [I did, though not as bad as I did at last season’s finale.] I ask this because we have both pre-established that we are LOST criers. Not that Mike and Ricky couldn’t have cried, too…
I’m honestly glad this is the last season. If it kept going, I would of been like come on already! I’m actually not 100% won over with this series. It’s good, but not amazing. Some episodes don’t hold me very well.
Oh! Of course I cried…. o.O
Umm… so I’m confused…. what is there to cry about in Lost? The last scene? Juliet?
takgoti, I teared up pretty badly with the Locke-Jack moment at the end. Just because Locke makes me really, really upset now.
And hush, Ricky, cause Lost is amazingness! :P
Is it safe to discuss the Lost premiere here? Or is this a spoiler-free tasting note?
Hahaha, Mike, I was thinking the same thing, because WTF. I watched the entire thing with my mouth half-open. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”
:D And yay for Earl Grey being better-than-average! Samovar’s is still the best one I’ve tasted.
I don’t mind no spoilers, but I’m not sure how other people feel about spoilers? But can I just throw in a mighty big WTF??? I fully trust that this season is going to rock. Hard.
I agree, generally off to a good start. Ready for more!
^ haha, my exact reactions to Lost…. WTF?!?! Dude… John Locke…. oh man….
@teaplz Did you cry? [I did, though not as bad as I did at last season’s finale.] I ask this because we have both pre-established that we are LOST criers. Not that Mike and Ricky couldn’t have cried, too…
I’m honestly glad this is the last season. If it kept going, I would of been like come on already! I’m actually not 100% won over with this series. It’s good, but not amazing. Some episodes don’t hold me very well.
Oh! Of course I cried…. o.O
Umm… so I’m confused…. what is there to cry about in Lost? The last scene? Juliet?
takgoti, I teared up pretty badly with the Locke-Jack moment at the end. Just because Locke makes me really, really upset now.
And hush, Ricky, cause Lost is amazingness! :P
So it was that moment! I knew it =P I was just shocked and like woahhhh, nice twist.