353 Tasting Notes
This smells incredible. Steeped for 5 minutes per the instructions. I ended up adding a spoonful of sugar because it was tasteless otherwise. That really brought out the banana chocolate flavor. Yummy.
Another from the TTB. This is really really nice. I’m drinking this hot because I have no impulse control at the moment, but think it would be even better cold. It’s minty, and lemony, and all sorts of tea goodness that make me sigh after a sip and close my eyes in appreciation.
This is not normally what I’d go for but I’m really really enjoying this.
This tea smells very strongly of strawberries.
I hate strawberries.
Why did I drink this? Because I am morbidly curious like that. (I also went through a phase as a child when I wanted to know what everything tasted like so I’d go around licking inanimate objects. Why did I just tell all of Steepster that? Why???)
But surprisingly, this tea does not taste strongly of strawberries. In fact, it’s actually pleasant how faintly of strawberries this tea tastes. Some sugar may bring out the strawberry flavor more but I’m not going to test that. I’m enjoying the tea just fine without it.
This was another tea from the Traveling Tea Box. It was interesting and I’m honestly not sure if I liked it, even after two cups. It did not taste like honey, but faintly reminded me of the Crunchie bars in the UK – the ones that have the “honeycomb” center. Not entirely unpleasant, but not quite what I was expecting.
Also, the mate never gave me an energy boost, which made me sad. I really could have used it today in the office.
Wow this was sour. I was not expecting that, especially after I added a spoonful of sugar. Maybe it’s the tea; maybe it’s the strawberries in the blend and my odd biological quirk that makes all strawberries taste awful and sour. (Seriously, I hate fresh strawberries and can only have strawberries when they have been cooked in some form with a ton of sugar.)
Guess I’m sticking with berry blends that are sans strawberries.
My first Traveling Tea Box tea. The description was so weird I had to try it!
Initial impression: Weird. But I think I like it. I feel like I shouldn’t like it but I do.
Heavy on the tomato flavor, the sage is subtler underneath it. It’s like drinking tomato soup, but in tea form. Very very strange. But a good strange. I think. My brain and tongue can’t make up their minds on what I’m tasting.
Sample from chrimabro (Thanks, Christina!)
This smelled amazing. I was utterly in love at first sniff. Per Christina’s suggestion, I brewed my mug with a teaspoon of sugar. This is DEE-licious. The flavors all mingle together nicely. The almond and cinnamon are definitely the strongest. I can’t even taste caramel, which isn’t a big deal since I love almond and cinnamon.
Reading some of the other notes, I may have to try the Forever Nuts blend from David’s Tea to compare.
A nice dessert tea to unwind at the end of the day.
I really like genmaicha tea, so I was intrigued with this one which is genmaicha with matcha added. Honestly, I can’t taste what – if anything – the matcha adds. It’s still a good genmaicha tea (not the best I’ve had, but decent) but I feel a bit let down because I was expecting something more given the matcha.
This was lovely. I had a cup of this hot while I was waiting for my jug of iced tea to brew.
Hot: Brewed three minutes, no sweetner. The flavor was light but pleasant. The “mojito” came out more as an aftertaste.
Iced: I preferred this as a cold tea. I brewed this with a 2:1 ratio of tea to sugar. I drank this all day and it was quite refreshing. It wasn’t overly sweet, and again the flavor wasn’t overpowering but a pleasant subtle sidenote to the tea.
A nice blend but I’m not sure if I will buy again. It seems it could have used more sugar than I’m comfortable putting in my tea.