This is my second floral oolong, purely through chance…I did not not realize that either of the oolongs that I have sampled would be floral.

Autumn will be upon us soon, and this tea is reminiscent of cooling autumn days, leaves changing colours, and the aromas and tastes that are reminiscent of cooler temperatures. That is to say the tea is light, crisp, mildly floral flavour that reminds one that autumn is near.

I have to thank the ever generous and delightful JustJames for sending me the sample pack from Verdant. JustJames….my apologies for the delayed review. Thank you JustJames, I do appreciate your generosity.

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My tea journey started in 2012, when a friend gifted me some loose leaf. I guess she thought I was drinking too much coffee. Blown away by the amazing flavours I immediately embraced the loose leaf tea. I still drink coffee, but my main choice of beverage is now tea.

My tea preferences are blacks, pu’erhs, oolongs and greens.



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