16950 Tasting Notes
Shockingly, Tre asked me to make him some tea last night without any prompting on my part. Even more shocking, he asked for this one specifically! I’m so proud right now.
So, steeped this up for him and stole a few sips. It was pretty good; definitely got the toffee popcorn taste from it – which is sad because I know he doesn’t really appreciate the finer flavours/details and the last few cups I’ve made for myself haven’t had them (but this one did). Oh well, the cups I did make for myself last night were good too.
Oh i love when my daughter asks for some certain tea. i must feel some accomplishment especially if ppl who asks you are not really into tea
I’m slowly working my way towards a sipdown of this one. It’s not that I want it out of my cupboard per say, but more that it’s not needed in my cupboard, and is enjoyable enough to finish off at a consistent pace. You know, not getting tired of it or having to choke it down.
Tonight it seemed like a decent enough idea for a breakfast type tea – despite it currently being 9 PM. I’m gonna need to switch to caffeine free teas soon, despite my “early morning meal” feeling like it should be accompanied by some caffeine high teas.
I did a bad job of following steeping directions with this one tonight, but despite that it actually tastes pretty good. There’s a nice, thick mouthfeel which I appreciate from a “milkshake” inspired tea. Decent enough!
I love when Tre leaves for the evening; it gives me the laptop so I don’t get backlogged and is the only time I can get away with making copious amounts of breakfast food in nothing but my underwear.
So, tonight’s meal is maple syrup sweetened scrambled eggs and waffles with French Toast tea, Pumpkin Milkshake tea, and some orange punch with club soda! Maybe some hashbrowns and cheese later on…
It might be because I’m in a huge breakfast mood, but this tea is hitting the spot perfectly for me right now! It’s eggy, with nutmeg and a breadiness to it, and even some maple sweetness – which really compliments the 52Teas black base. I like it a lot better than Pancake Breakfast (which I sadly have a lot more of). The next cup of this one is a sipdown…
Thanks Lala for the sample so I could compare the two!
Also, Frank’s killing me with these new blends! Passion Fruit Banana with a white base? Gimme! Ugh. The tribulations of being broke.
Sipdown (188/190)!
Look! I have wiggle room! Meaning, if I get a tea package in the next day or so it might now immediately set me back over 200! Especially if I keep up with these gradual sipdowns. How exciting is that? You have to get excited about the little things, right? Right.
But yeah this was fun while I had it, but now that it’s gone I think I’m ok with that – especially if it means clearing more of my samples. But thanks Lala! It’s always cool trying a limited edition tea; and this one is/was very limited addition.
Sipdown (189/191)!
Thanks Courtney for the sample! there was enough left I probably could have made two small cups, but I figured I’d over leaf a bit and see if that would create more of the flavour that the dry leaf promises. I also toyed with adding milk, but wound up passing in favour of using the milk for a match latte later tonight.
Overleafing, did bring out more flavour so this is a more enjoyable cup in comparison to the first one. What I like about this blend in particular, is that it’s pretty creamy and has strong vanilla notes but doesn’t claim to be a “float” tea – at least as far as the name goes (I haven’t read the tea description, though I probably should). However, it’s still really light overall.
I may have slightly oversteeped this (five minutes), which could have been a help and hindrance. It may have added to the strong rootbeer flavouring, but there’s also a little underlying bitterness that’s a touch unpleasant.
I hate to say it, but my favourite black rootbeer tea is probably still the discontinued DT version (please bring it back for summer or something!) despite all its floaties. Just because Cherry Cola was crap doesn’t mean that one was too!
In other news, I think I’ve finally stopped adding to my swap for Courtney – now I just have to find the time/money to send it.
I had this today too! Though our experiences are quite different since I didn’t get any creamy vanilla notes and I wanted them (even though I had no reason to in a plain root beer tea). I do agree that it is weak in flavoring.
Extra long steep time (I just left the steeper in as I drank it) which resulted in a delicious, creamy mulberry/caramel tea. It was a nice switch up from Mulberry White (from RiverTea) which is similar but definitely more fruity.
I should enjoy this one more; it’s a white that can really hold up to high heat and shitty steeping parameters.
Oh! Ooh!
I’ve done it folks; I’ve made this an amazing, smooth rhubarb vanilla creamy delicious sufgbidvb iadufgg mmm tea! Yes – that’s the word choice I’m choosing: “sufgbidvb iadufgg”. So, what I did was cold brew 2 tbsp. of this for a total of seven and a half hours, and now this tea is the perfect mix of everything that the name claims for it.
If only I could achieve that hot, heh…
But yeah, this is super ridiculously smooth creamy rhubarb vanilla. Like, it could be lovely, silky rich yogurt. Ooh! Can I have this as FroYo? That’d be perfect. Double churned Rhubarb Vanilla FroYo…
Sadly, I only have enough of this left for one more cold brew; but I really look forward to it! I’ll have to increase my rating, because this is awesome cold brewed!
Sidenote: I made this yesterday, but wanted to cold brew Coconut Oolong I was having earlier – so I poured this into an empty pitcher to free up y mason jar and that’s what I’m drinking this out of right now because I was too lazy to grab a glass. So, 25 oz. in a mason jar, and 25. oz. straight from a pitcher.