Gold Rush

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
Coconut, Natural Flavours, White Mulberries, White Tea
Cream, Sweet, Coconut, Fruity, Honey, Raisins, White Grapes, Dry Grass, Toasty, White Chocolate, Vanilla, Butter, Caramel, Floral, Almond, Creamy, Jam, Alcohol, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Smooth, Berries, Maple, Berry, Custard, Maple Syrup, Burnt Sugar, Candy, Rum, Thick
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec 4 g 19 oz / 571 ml

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208 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I was in DAVIDsTEA today and bought myself the little gong fu teapot and some clear double walled tea cups for my birthday tomorrow. And the new mate teas. I told the girl working that it was a...” Read full tasting note
  • “An oh so drool-inducing sipdown. It’s a coconut caramel cloud. This is a sad moment here! I’d buy more but it’s quite expensive so maybe I’ll reward myself later, like when I finish the semester or...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (197) I picked up 10 g of this which does not go very far and so I was saving it for when I needed it most. Today my tea experiences have been less than stellar and so when I brewed up...” Read full tasting note
  • “Time to start getting ready for work soon… Really want to call in sick, but can’t afford to again. At least I have tomorrow off, right!? Right! And dentist Monday morning. Ick. I was inspired to...” Read full tasting note



Hit the jackpot

Mulberries are a pretty precious fruit, so you don’t find them in tea very often. After all, mulberry trees are usually reserved for silk making, as they’re the only thing silkworms will eat. No wonder – they’re naturally sweet and rich, with an almost caramel-like flavour. In a word, decadent. Here we pair golden mulberries with creamy coconut and delicate white tea, for a tea that is guaranteed to give you gold fever. Eureeka! (MK Kosher)

Ingredients: Organic: mulberries, coconut, white Silver Needle tea. With natural and organic flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

208 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

I was in DAVIDsTEA today and bought myself the little gong fu teapot and some clear double walled tea cups for my birthday tomorrow. And the new mate teas.

I told the girl working that it was a birthday present for myself. I am not sure if she was just in a good mood or it was because I had spent so much already, but she gave me a free tea for my birthday tomorrow! What a great day! And the parking meter still had an hour on it so I didn’t have to pay for parking either.

So I decided to go with this as my free tea. I probably steeped it about 10 or 15 minutes, I wasn’t really watching. Sweet, coconutty, and caramel. Too bad this tea is so expensive. I have to increase the rating because it is sooo good!

EDIT: I also cold brewed some for today. It is awesome! Just as good cold as hot!


Yay happy birthday and congrats on the purchases!


Happy birthday! And excellent choice. I looooove this one.


Happy birthday! ^^


Wow, sounds like your birthday started today! Happy birthday! :)


Happy Birthday Early!!!


Free tea…there’s a celebration waiting to happen! Happy birthday.


Thanks everyone, my day in lieu of my birthday was spectacular!


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! I got a free TOTM for my birthday last year too. Either it’s a policy, or we just found some nice people!


Happy birthday late! Also love this one iced!


Ya, I was suprised when she said I could have a free tea!
Thanks everyone!

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1792 tasting notes

An oh so drool-inducing sipdown. It’s a coconut caramel cloud. This is a sad moment here! I’d buy more but it’s quite expensive so maybe I’ll reward myself later, like when I finish the semester or something.

I’m also trying to shrink my stash a bit here. I have a DT bag filled with pouches that I told myself to finish before I make an order, most likely to Butiki teas (yay!). I started at a dozen and now I’m at half a dozen.

We shall meet again, Gold Rush.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (197)

I picked up 10 g of this which does not go very far and so I was saving it for when I needed it most. Today my tea experiences have been less than stellar and so when I brewed up the cup of Brioche (which I did not love last time I had it), I decided to make this as well so if all else failed, I would know I had a tasty cup waiting.

Luckily Brioche was a success but that isn’t stopping me from enjoying this awesome creamy, caramel candy tea. Mmmmmm… You will be missed Gold Rush, but I am sure we will be together again.

In other news, I went upstairs to make dinner and ended up brewing two cups of tea and making a side of kale. Somehow I forgot to make the actual meal. Oops…

Flavors: Caramel, Coconut, Cream

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

So you forgot part of dinner..? At least you satisfied your tea cravings :)


Haha. Yeah. I made what was important though – tea and veggies :P


Loads of antioxidants :)

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16936 tasting notes

Time to start getting ready for work soon…

Really want to call in sick, but can’t afford to again. At least I have tomorrow off, right!? Right! And dentist Monday morning. Ick.

I was inspired to cold brew this one based on a review aisling of tea did on it. Or, I think it was aisling. It’s possible it was her sweet wifey de – sometimes I get their reviews mixed up, and with “sick brain” right now I don’t trust my memory too much. In the review, aisling/de basically called out how expensive this would be as a cold brew, and I definitely don’t disagree with them – but I couldn’t get over how delicious it was tasting in my head, so I had to actually brew it up just the once to sate my curiosity.

And it was really, really good! Basically this super sweet, rich butterscotch and coconut drink! Man, I really, really love mulberries! I can’t believe back in my ‘tea newb’ days I hated the way this one smelled/tasted. It reminds me, a lot, of the Butterscotch Schnapps everyone here on Steepster knows I’m so fond of.

But yeah, just reiterating – damn this was expensive when you think in terms of how much 50g costs, how heavy the leaf is, and how much leaf is spent up by cold brewing. So this was just a one off “treat” and NOT something to make a habit of, for sure.


Mmmm, I’ll have to try cold brewing this. Still have some of my 50g free from FS plan left.


I’ve been wanting to try this one for quite some time! I may need to wait till I get some free tea from my frequent steeper points though…

Roswell Strange

Yeah, I’ve used my freebie tea on this one so much; unless their’s something else I really need to stock up on or want to try this is my default freebie tea ‘purchase’.


I always try and get the best bang for my buck so I usually go with Matcha. Last time though I went with butterfly Jasmine (nearly $20/50grams!) and I love it :)


Heh, I got matcha and butterfly jasmine too. I figured I might as well get teas that cost more than I really want to spend.

Roswell Strange

Oolong Supreme for me last time! One I wanted to try, but costs a ton too; figure if I don’t like it I can send some out to other Steepster people who, like me, are hesitant to buy it ’cause of the price.


I wanted Oolong Supreme with my first because it is $19.50 (ouch!), and they were out, so I got Gold Rush instead of waiting to see if/when it was back in stock, and then they got Oolong Supreme back, so I go more, and shortly after that, made it to my next 50g, but I already had both Gold Rush and Oolong Supreme, so I ended up getting Mighty Aphrodite…not the best bang for my buck, but something I’ll drink up.

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2291 tasting notes

Mmm… Extremely sugary mulberry tea with a bit of coconut and a hint of white tea. :) This is more like it.

I think the sugaryness is one of the reasons I like this tea so much. I even bought plain dried mulberries, and yes they are indeed as sweet as they make this tea. They’re incredible, but most of the flavour is sweetness. Sadly the coconut does leave a bit of oil on the top of the cup. And it’s extremely expensive for what it is, since it contains so many heavy berries and so little light white tea.

Oh well. I’ll still get some every once in a while.

(I didn’t pay any attention to steeping. I dumped some tea into the strainer, added boiled water, let it sit while I made a mango smoothie… this tea is a good one for less than ideal brewing situations, although it’s not exactly high in caffeine, which makes it less ideal for work.)

205 °F / 96 °C

As soon as my frequent steeping rewards are redeemable, I’m getting some of this!

Bear With Me

the low content of actual tea makes it super forgiving. I think Gold Rush and Earl of Lemon are the only really forgiving whites that DAVIDs has released. I can steep ‘em both all day long in my timolino and add water as needed (sooooo glad I got a 250g bag of EoL before it got taken away. It’s soooo lemony!. I need me a plain lemon white, it’s such a good combo)


I was actually thinking of Earl of Lemon, but then realized I didn’t have any left. :) So then I had this one. And it was good. I’ll have to look around for a lemony white tea, that’s just lemon-citrusy. Sounds so refreshing. :)

Yeah, that’s why I’m collecting points Cavo. Free Gold Rush. :)

Roswell Strange

I’ve got enough point for two free 50g bags so far… Meep.

Bear With Me

I can spare some Earl of Lemon if you’d like some. To hold you over til we find that perfect lemony/citrusy white :) I need to get creative while I’m locked up and come up with unique stuff I can send to the FB tea frens who already have everything. Might need to sneak up to Janet’s before I check in and get a list of all her stuff. There’s bound to be something I can send out!


I am so close to two free bags – 178 points. My sister didn’t use the card when she bought the 250g of Caramel Corn so I am hoping there might be a way to email them to get the points.

Roswell Strange

I’m sitting at 234 points atm… :/


Mmm, Janet’s Special Orange. :) I’m OK, Bear With Me (hee!), I really do have loads of tea!

Bear With Me

you’re off the hook for now then. But Sil and Dexter are at the top of the list! I feel like I’m forgetting a third person who sent me something recently (besides you OMGsrsly) and it’s really bugging me.

also, for some reason, I’m finding it REALLY important to figure out if i’m a heffalump or a woozle and what colour I am O.o

Roswell Strange

I recently sent you some stuff (pretty much I pawned off my Buddha’s Blend on you) but really; don’t feel like you’ve gotta send stuff my way! My cupboard is finally at a size I’m happy with!

Bear With Me

Yay! I knew I wasn’t going crazy (this time)! I didn’t check the identities list before I ran away from facebook. woops!
you’ll get something eventually, along with the others. Gotta figure out what, and then get together the money. Then I can send ALL the teas to ALL the tea frens! :D (okay seriously, waaaayyyyyy loopy over here. I think you guys would get a kick out of me right about now :P )


I think you might be at least partially green. :)

Bear With Me

but what KIND of green?! forest? emerald? lime? grass? apple? hunter? kelly? these are the important questions in life!!!


Umm. Green green? Haha. (Yeah idk. I’m falling asleep over here.)

Roswell Strange

Imma say that I’m either orange/teal or Kelly green ;)

Bear With Me

I see what you did there :P

and OMGsrsly – share your sleepiness with me? I haven’t slept a wink since….(counting back) the stupid dog woke me up at 3am on Monday?


Roswell, I am so glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that. Also, YAY ORANGE WOO!


My sleepiness is related to tummy troubles and being too warm/stressed to eat. Pretty sure you don’t want all that either. :/

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1473 tasting notes

Oh man, this was good and I was so pissed that it was so good XD. It’s another heavy, expensive white blend, but it…guh. It’s amazing. It’s creamy and sweet and almost caramel-like, from what I can remember (I drank it at work while being BORED OUT OF MY SKULL). But I remember loving it. Definitely need to buy more tomorrow.


ugh this post is really killing me! I regret not living in Canada, as it takes so long for David’s teas of the month to make it to the New York store (usually not until after the month they’re featured in!) I was placing an order today and didn’t see this until after! I’ve been bummed about missing out all day, and this just added to my regret!!

I am glad to hear you enjoyed it so though :) And this will DEFINITELY be included in my next order!!


It is beautiful. So much love! Definitely worth a try nods. Restored my faith in DT!

Tina S.

@teaNsympathy If you call customer service tomorrow they may be able to add it to the order if it hasn’t been packed yet!


I definitely want to try this one.

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761 tasting notes

This is actually pretty good, brewed and sweetened at home. I know some of you are like, “sweetened? really?” and yes, really. It is sweet on it’s own, but not sweet enough for me. I added sugar, but not as much as usual. I also added a smattering of white tea leaves from Teavivre since I only get a small amount of this tea, and there’s not much in the bag due to the mulberries being weighty, and because there’s not a very high ratio of tea leaves to mulberries and coconut shavings.

I think this merits a larger bag for more experimentation. Anyone eat the mulberries after?


I did!! mine was really bitter for some reason. I’d expect that of the leaves, not the berries!


Me too, I had to eat them! but strange, mine were actually VERY sweet! But from experience, blends can be different from one another, that wood explain why Indigobloom’s batch was bitter…


huh, that is odd! but you’re right, even in fruit from the supermarket, one batch to another can be very different. shrugs

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357 tasting notes

I’m still working on the remaining subjects of our potential home purchase, and I figured I should start drinking down some of the tea samples that I have with the hope that our purchase of the home goes through. That way I will have less little bits and pieces to move once we get in there….hopefully.

I steeped this tea for longer than David’s suggested 4-7 minutes and it is much better this time around. (I experienced no sourness this time – thank you tigress_al for that 10 minute and beyond steeping suggestion).

It has that subtle taste that is typical of many white teas, which is almost overwhelmed by the taste of creamy coconut and honey-like sweetness of the mulberries. It’s lovely as a hot tea, but as it cools it doesn’t taste quite right to me – almost waxy. I’m finishing this sample off today, and although it’s enjoyable, I’m not sure if I would jump to restock it because it’s a little pricey, and there are other white teas out there that I prefer over this one.


I love but one but wish it weren’t so pricey, especially considering the fact that you don’t get that much actual white tea leaves in it.


I agree, I find I really have to hunt to find the tea leaves in this one

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 2022: 89)

Now this is a throwback! My mom had the remains of my packet of this tea (from yeeaaars ago), and since it contained coconut, I was curious if it would still be ok. It smelled alright (maybe a tad soapy), so I figured I’d brew up a cup. Unfortunately, since the coconut is a main flavour and the rest of the tea is rather light in flavour, the slight soapiness is fairly present, which is a little offputting, and I could barely taste the sweetness of the mulberries. Couldn’t taste the silver needle at all. Poor old tea! May dump the last cup or so, although I’m going to finish what I brewed up.


Although it was always light on the actual tea, I miss this one so much! If the mulberries haven’t spoiled you can eat them straight from the packet or throw them in another tea.


The mulberries might have absorbed too much rancid coconut :( Sad times. I miss this tea too!

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1764 tasting notes

Sorry for all the backlogs folks! my computer decided to take a vacay without me the other day…
So this cuppa was interesting. I had no trouble drinking it, which got a little woot! from me, but the caramel was just too much. It completely overrides the white tea!
I love burnt sugar as much as the next tea lover but I love my tea more… so don’t hide it on me k?! Play nice and share the spotlight…
Oh and I got just two good steeps. The third was really iffy. I drank it only because I was thirsty.
David’s… please come out with something that revives my faith in you soon! your blends lately have been so meh for me lately. It makes me sad! :(


I agree, white tea especially tends to get hidden/overwhelmed in flavoured blends. And it’s my favourite kind of tea! D:


You are all killing me with reviews of this tea. want so bad!!!


Yes, I waived my “tea-taste” requirement for this tea as I enjoyed the caramel so much. That’s definitely been my main complaint about many of DT’s white teas though. So much better when the two flavours blend…


I know right!?
DTs Strawberry White was the only one that balanced the flavours well… and now it’s gone. Boo!


Strawberry White isn’t gone, it’s just online exclusive!


oh seriously?! maybe it’s worth paying the extra shipping!


Yeah, as far as I know :) My strategy was to wait until I needed a large quantity of a couple other teas as well, and order them all at once to reach $50 for free shipping. Or, to order a gift card as well to count towards the $50.


Yeah I hear ya on that. except the $50 is usually way out of my budget, and I rarely need that much tea at one time. The gift card idea is great though!!


Ahh, fair enough. I suppose the only reason that $50 is within my range right now is because I only have small sample sizes of most of their teas, and have not yet purchased larger quantities, so have a list of teas for which I soon plan to buy 50-100g (and it’s easy enough to just buy them online instead of going into the store). But if you already have a good-sized tea stash, I can see why this might not work!


Ahhh yesss the newbie phenomenon. It’s very addictive! But lately, I’ve been struggling to keep up with my samples and random purchases from various places… no way could I drink down $50 worth very fast!


Listen guys…with the price of gas…I think that $5 for shipping is sometimes less than some people would pay for a round trip to buy the blasted tea in their hometown! I used to live 30 miles from the closest tea house in California…60 miles roundtrip…so what would you do? Order from DAVIDsTEA for 5 BUCKS!


lol very good point!!
It’s just, well there are a few David’s locations near me that I go to regularly and it feels odd ordering from them when I’m in the shop regularly!
but if Iived out of the way, no question… def worth it! :)

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