It’s no secret that I have a pretty intensely large teaware collection. I mean, some of the comments I get most frequently are people complimenting my teaware or asking where it’s from. But, there’s one part of my teaware collection that is waaayyy larger than I think anyone realizes, and that’s my mugs. I own SO MANY mug. That was for sure my first teaware love, long before I got into gongfu and expanding my assortment of gaiwans, teacups and yunomi cups, yixing pots, and all the other bits and bobbles that come with that form of tea practice. I still constantly find myself adding to my mug collection, though now it’s largely handcrafted and one of a kind pieces from the small potters and ceramicists I follow here on instagram…
So, I’ve decided I want to turn the spotlight to some of my favourite mugs from my collection throughout the month of October. I’ll be sharing one a day on my stories, and because everything needs a catchy name, I’m calling it my #mugtober challenge. At the same time another insta tea friend is running her own tea challenge this month under the hashtag #octoberteas2024. I figured I’d double down and combine the two, so a mug and a tea based on the theme each day. Mug might be hard, but I’m committed to trying my best!! Wish me luck!
Today’s theme was Spiced/Chai, so I’m kicking things off with the recently returned Horchata Chai in this cinnamon brown mug with the appropriately (for DT) aqua/teal accents. This might be my favourite Chai that I’ve developed for DT. It’s very cozy with really rich notes of sweetened condensed milk, vanilla, and of course rice along with warming cinnamon and ginger. Very much like the Agua Fresca it’s inspired by, just a bit spicier. So good with a splash of milk or as a full out latté. Hot or iced!
PS. I’m going to not so secretly push myself with an extra third challenge this month – no repeating tea companies…)
Tea Photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/DAmGT2WSBM7/?img_index=1
Song Pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_NNjIj2Gbw
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.