Welp. Personally I think it feels too early in the year, but that hasn’t stopped the first wave of winter/holiday teas from launching. There are many returning teas like Candy Cane Crush, Sleigh Ride, and Alpine Punch – but also a few new ones, like this tea! Truthfully, I think this is pretty easily my favourite of the new teas this year – though Latke Love has a special place in my heart too.
So, some back story. For essentially as long as I’ve been in R&D I’ve wanted to include Jack Frost in the name of a tea blend/as a tea inspiration. I actually pitched the name “Jack Frosted Orange” for the white chocolate, orange, and peppermint blend that eventually ended up being named North Star. So finally getting that win through this blend feels a bit like a personal achievement – and I really do think this was the perfect tea to use that naming inspiration with!
Essentially, this tea is meant to be a peppermint mocha. Basically a well balanced trio of peppermint, milk chocolate, and coffee. A little more emphasis on the mint chocolate though, if I’m being honest. This tea has the absolute cutest (and most delicious) mini mint chocolate chips in it – I kind of lost my mind the first time I saw them. They have such an incredible visual impact. In my personal opinion, they’re the most interest chocolate addition we’ve ever used in tea. The base is a mix of pu’erh and black tea. I love the body the pu’erh gives and that slight earthiness leans in nicely to the chocolate/coffee, and the black tea is just so smooth.
When I’ve described this tea to people in our office, I usually say that it’s somewhere in between the intensity of Santa’s Secret and Candy Cane Crush – just with different flavours. Basically, a nice happy medium between a delicate tasting blend and a super rich one. It sort of has that “old school” DT vibe to me that I associate with blends like Red Velvet Cake or Coffee Cake. It’s amazing as a latte – both hot and iced.
I’m always really excited to see what people think of new blends, but this one I’m especially curious to hear about. It’s the first “big holiday tea” that I fully did the development for, so I definitely feel like I have more personal stakes in the reception of this blend…
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
Just as I was reading this and thinking I’d take the plunge, I discovered that it’s out of stock online. Oh dear. Another time maybe!
Woohoo! Today I managed to grab 100g in one of the few stores left in my area, albeit not at 30% off.