Drinking this one currently while curled up on the couch listening to a new band for the first time; I’m really enjoying how well the flavours of the tea are matching to the music – but based on who recommended the band to me and why they recommended it I kind of figured they would work together…
First Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_4kJalb2bc&index=4&list=WL
It’s weird splitting my attention between the song and the tea and I know that sounds odd given how often I do tea/song pairings but usually it’s with music I’ve heard before. That way, I can sink into the song and let it be a backdrop to enhance the tea and the moment. With new music, well, I want to soak that in as much if not more than the tea itself. I want to hear the lyrics, and the emotions of the singer…
The tea is toasty; really warming and light bodied on the whole but with elements that build/creep in on you and take on a little more of a medium bodied aspect. Apart from being toasty, there’s a sweetness that reminds me of cane sugar but also the sweetness of snap peas without the vegetal taste to accompany. Though there is some green to the taste; more grassy than vegetal, and lightly so.
The top notes are sweet, fleeting floral ones: lily, orchid and other fresh flowers. The body is also floral, but in a different way – it’s heady with magnolia and rose aspects. Things that linger and have a more impactful presence. This is my favourite part, and the part that I had described as “creeping” and more medium bodied. It definitely makes the cup.
Also, this is my favourite song from this new band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J2r9NDRnaA&index=4&list=WL
I think that maybe it’s just a BIT too upbeat to be a perfect match/pairing but I like the sentiment of the song with the flavours/feel of the tea and I do think some of the lyrics perfectly touch on that “creeping/building” quality that this tea seems to really push on you.
And I will follow you no matter where you go
I wanna be the comfort in your company