Took me a while to find the generic bubble tea entry…
Stopped at the mall on my way home from work; wanted to see if there was anything at DAVIDsTEA that interested me for the 40% sale. I ended up getting some tea infused food stuffs (review on that to come when I eat it) that I was hesitant about prior to the sale. Also some small samples. One of my friends at the store (Who is moving soon! Who am I gonna get info about unreleased teas from!?) told me that there’s a smaller collection getting released on August 2nd; they’re really cracking down on employees blowing the whistle for unreleased teas though so she couldn’t tell me what the new teas were though. She does know my tastes PRETTY well though, and she said there was at least one in the collection she was sure I’d be interested in. So, call me curious…
After my stop there I also grabbed band-aids ‘cause, like an idiot, I injured myself at work again. I was sorting through a bin of donation are really deeply cut the tip of my index finger on my dominant hand. D’oh! It’s making typing tonight a really big chore. One of out supervisors wanted me to go get stitches, just to give an idea of how deep it is. Learned my lesson and filled out an accident report – though this time is was glass (broken candle holder) and not metal so hopefully no itchy and unsightly complications this time around…
Final stop was for bubble tea! I was torn between watermelon and taro, but eventually settled on taro ‘cause I wanted to try a different companies version of it since I’ve only had it once. Still delicious; really like the subtle sweetness of it. It’s very refreshing and satisfying. One complaint about this particular place (can’t even remember the name; something with Sushi in it – it’s kind of your generic food court sushi place though) is that they used WAY TOO MANY tapioca pearls. Like, a third of the cup was pearls. Which was just so overwhelming. I ended up discarding a lot of them ‘cause there was too many for them to evenly disperse in the ’tea’ while drinking…
Flavors: Sweet, Taro Root
One of our DTs people listed the five or so straight teas for me that will be brought out on August 2nd. The only one I remember is white peony. I guess the others did not inspire me.