Another from Liquid Proust!
I’m quite happy an entry for this already existed on Steepster; the packaging is almost entirely in Japanese, which I can’t even read in the slightest, except for “Muscat Green Rooibos Aroma Tea” – so I just plugged that in the search engine and low and behold…
My understanding of muscat is that it’s a kind of wine, though I don’t think I’ve ever personally tried it? I’m not entirely sure on that, though. When I opened the ziplocked package I was flooded with the strong aromatic scent of grapes though. Very wine-y, boozey grapes for sure – however, because of an unfamiliarity with Muscat specifically I don’t know how accurate it is. It smells phenomenal though.
These are little sachet bags, so I steeped one up in a mug and the smell was incredible; just this incredibly rich, grape-y drink with such a natural and robust sweetness and juicyness about it. The taste is exactly the same; such a dominant and succinct flavour. Green rooibos is easily the less offensive and more generally liked of the two varietals, and it works really well with this flavour but if you dislike the green stuff too you’re in luck here; it’s very covered by the strong flavour.
One thing about it though; it reminds me heavily of taking communion at church. It’s the same distinct wine/grape flavour as what we dipped our little stale ass pieces of bread in. I hated that flavour as a child, but actually really loving it now. HOWEVER, because of Netflix’s Sense8 whenever anyone says the word “Communion” or I think it I instantly jump to the scene spoilers for those who haven’t watched it where Lito and Nomi are talking, and he says a line which has been permanently burned into my brain.
“… [I] took him into my mouth like I was taking holy Communion”
Thanks for that, Netflix. This unfortunate and automatic association led to me describing this tea to a coworker in the following way: “It’s like sweet grape flavoured holy blowjob tea but, like, good”. She wasn’t really getting it.
Skip to 6:30 for the line…
Cold steep this… you’ll thank me later
(I got this in Muji while I was in Tokyo… which is like an upscale Walmart aka Target)
So… This definitely happened in a recent Skype convo: “Parched after your sacrilegious sexcapades? Try Holy Blowjob Tea! Quenches your inner sins! Now in grape flavour!” I should take up a career in marketing.
Hahahaha! This cracked me up!
Cold steep this… you’ll thank me later
(I got this in Muji while I was in Tokyo… which is like an upscale Walmart aka Target)
So… This definitely happened in a recent Skype convo: “Parched after your sacrilegious sexcapades? Try Holy Blowjob Tea! Quenches your inner sins! Now in grape flavour!” I should take up a career in marketing.
Yes you should be!