Sipdown (101)!
That moment when you’re lying in bed with all the lights off except for the glow of the computer screen and, out of the very corner of your eye, you see the movement of something on the edge of your bed. At first the realization is slow, but then it hits you all at fucking once. Spider.
I swear, I nearly shit myself. I don’t know if I’ve bolted so quickly anywhere in months but in two seconds flat I had moved from totally stretched out across the whole couch (my bed) to blanketless in the fetal position pressed into the far corner of the couch on the opposite side. I fucking hate spiders, and that this was like four inches from my face. Plus, it was HUGE. Like, the size of a Loonie or a Twoonie. I had to call Tre from his room and make him kill it for me because I was too paralyzed with fear to go anywhere except farther away. When he squished it; we could hear an audible “pop”. I may have cried a little. He may have cried a little.
And then I couldn’t sleep for a few hours, so I made a cup of the most calming/relaxing thing that came to mind – the last of this roasty toasty tea, with extra vanilla notes present in this last cup. I had the heebiejeebies for days afterwards. So much nope.
Haha we had spiders in my apartment in Montreal and usually we just let them hang out. The only ones I killed were the ones that decided to dangle over my bed because they were being rude and getting in my personal space. If they stayed on the walls/ceiling/ground, I just let them be.
Loonie or a Twoonie?
Also, ugh. I hate when that sort of thing happens. Though I mostly get more when the cat stills and stares intently at something and then I spot the spider/bug/whatever. /shudder/
I forget some of you aren’t Canadian. Shadowfall, Loonies and Twoonies are, respectively, the (nick)names of Canadian one dollar and two dollar coins.
VariaTea – My roommate and I have also given up on our house spiders. Mostly, they are unobtrusive, and hang out in corners, or up on ceilings. But every now and then, one decides to scurry quickly out from under something, and it must be relocated (I have a little trap thing, and take them outside). I don’t like it when they move quickly. Also, anywhere on the bed is grounds for relocation. They only die when they’re stupid enough to greet me in the shower – I really have no other options then!
Oh god, that sounds awful. I’m glad Tre came to the rescue.
Haha we had spiders in my apartment in Montreal and usually we just let them hang out. The only ones I killed were the ones that decided to dangle over my bed because they were being rude and getting in my personal space. If they stayed on the walls/ceiling/ground, I just let them be.
Loonie or a Twoonie?
Also, ugh. I hate when that sort of thing happens. Though I mostly get more when the cat stills and stares intently at something and then I spot the spider/bug/whatever. /shudder/
I forget some of you aren’t Canadian. Shadowfall, Loonies and Twoonies are, respectively, the (nick)names of Canadian one dollar and two dollar coins.
VariaTea – My roommate and I have also given up on our house spiders. Mostly, they are unobtrusive, and hang out in corners, or up on ceilings. But every now and then, one decides to scurry quickly out from under something, and it must be relocated (I have a little trap thing, and take them outside). I don’t like it when they move quickly. Also, anywhere on the bed is grounds for relocation. They only die when they’re stupid enough to greet me in the shower – I really have no other options then!