Taking advantage of the day off to try some new teas! This one was a birthday present from my mom from a local loose leaf tea shop; it’s not one I asked for and not a flavour I would have ever chosen for myself, so I’m a bit surprised how much I’m actually liking it.
I think the orange flavour is the best part of this one: it’s not soapy, which I find is a real issue with orange flavouring in rooibos blends, and is in fact very juicy and fresh tasting in a pretty natural way. It’s also relatively sweet. The nuttyness in this blend is also present but in a more subtle “lurking in the background” kind of way. As for spice? Not really all that present – which is odd because there’s a metric butt fuck of peppercorn in the dry leaf: something which is very responsible for why I was so hesitant to try this one initially…
Also, I might as well post this here: There are a couple 52Teas blends that I’m looking to get rid of. I don’t want to trade them: I’m just looking to decrease the amount of black tea in my cupboard which I currently don’t drink. If no one is interested here I’ll just post them in the “Take it Away” thread. Also, my preference is that they go to the same person – but if I need to split them to get rid of them that’s ok too. Only shipping within North America, though…
- Maple Bacon
- Pancake Breakfast (and possibly)
- Butterbeer
All are in their original packaging, but not sure exactly much is left of each one.
EDIT: There are a few Tea Desire blends I’m ok with parting with too. I’ll list those ones here as well, and same deal as before: I’ll ship anywhere within North America and would prefer if I didn’t have to split them. Original packaging, etc.
- Oreo Cookie
- Amaretto
- Walnut Orange
I would happily take all of them off your hands and paypal you the shipping fee if you would like :)
Done (but I don’t need the shipping fee back from you)! I already have your shipping info so I’ll send all six out to you as soon as I can (either Wednesday before work or Thursday since that’s payday). I’m gonna try and get in one more cup of each though – if you don’t mind: I’d like to give them each a proper “farewell”.
I would happily take all of them off your hands and paypal you the shipping fee if you would like :)
Done (but I don’t need the shipping fee back from you)! I already have your shipping info so I’ll send all six out to you as soon as I can (either Wednesday before work or Thursday since that’s payday). I’m gonna try and get in one more cup of each though – if you don’t mind: I’d like to give them each a proper “farewell”.
Haha sure thing! Hope they are good farewells! I just sent you a message…I would be happy to add any of the teas listed as a “Thank You” for being so generous :)