Featured & New Tasting Notes
10" of snow fell on us yesterday and the temperature is hovering in the single digits. I’m not complaining as I’ve seen what Boston is dealing with lately. Trivia – I looked up the Fahrenheit scale. You know what it is based on? Neither does anyone else. There are some guesses but the truth has been lost. 32F being the temp water freezes is the only point of agreement. Just glad I don’t have to go outside where the amount of snow is higher than the temperature.
Needed something to warm me up. This is perfect. Well it was, cause now its gone.
So, my mom picked this up for both of us and then read reviews and was worried that it might be awful, but it’s actually pretty good! I followed her recommendations, based on what she read: 2 teabags (I used a 12 oz. mug), add milk and sugar. It tasted like a strawberry milkshake. No real chocolate to be found, but hey, that’s still pretty good for a rooibos. Yes, there was some rooibos flavor, but it wasn’t too strong. Oh, and 5 minutes does the trick. Glad to have another caffeine-free option in my cupboard. Thanks to my mom!
NOOOOOO …. I just finished the last of this tea :( My beloved Alpine Punch is no more. They say it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, but those people did not experience the yumminess of A P.
i noticed you’re looking for more…is it because it’s a pain to get in the UK or you’re just trying to be good and not buy more tea :) If it’s a pain to get in the UK, i may be able to help
Thank you so much, Beorhthraefn! This is an odd little white tea. The leaves are actually white, green, and black in color, all very long & wiry. The description says this one almost changes to a black tea with age, so I was hoping I could save half the sample for later, but there was enough for one steep session. The flavor is great, similar to a bai mu dan at first, while the flavor is lighter: hints of sweet lemon, very very sweet. Subsequent steeps remind me of BUTIKI’S WHITE RHINO. Possibly my favorite white tea, and I would imagine many people would be looking for a replacement. Try this one! Anyway, the flavor gets a little more difficult to describe, it smooths out, becoming a little darker, losing the citrus. Maybe hints of dried grass. I really like this one… I wish I could describe it better. Happy to have tried this one, but I would have loved to try it later. Hopefully Mandala is still selling this one when my White Rhino runs out.
Steep #1 // 30 min after boiling // rinse // 1 min steep
Steep #2 // 25 min a.b. // 1 1/2 min
Steep #3 // 20 min a.b. // 2 min
I haven’t had White Rhino, but you might also check out this tea – it sounds like it’s similar, and it’s a really amazing white http://steepster.com/teas/what-cha/48460-kenya-premium-white
The leaves of the What-Cha look similar to the Mandala. And it looks like the What-Cha and the Butiki teas are both from Kenya. All three are probably very similar!
Hi! thanks for writing up your experience with this one. I love this tea and we reserve a whole bunch of it from the grower each and every year. It is also spectacular brewed up grandpa style in a tea thermos. It is perhaps my favorite tea brewed that way. Give it a try with a 1st infusion of 5 to 8 minutes. Delightful. We have plenty more of this and as long as they are growing it, we’ll have it!
To start off my first full day in my new place, I picked out a comforting old favourite. This tea is incredibly reliable and tasty. Rich malt and sweet potato notes. It’s a pretty straightforward and middle of the road Dian hong, but I love it.
So yesterday was moving day, after a lot of angst and stress about getting things sorted, culled and packed. We hired movers, which is one of the best choices I have ever made, ever. They were done in three hours, a task which would have probably taken all day, or even stretched out over multiple days of stress, sore backs and strained interpersonal dynamics. Since the move was done by noon, we were able to get most of the house unpacked, which has been amazing.
We still have to get rid of a few things at the old place, clean it and hopefully sublet it before the end of the month. But, I am extremely pleased with how well the move and unpacking has gone.
My new place is pretty great. We have a massive kitchen with tonnes of cupboard & counter space, a dishwasher (YES!!), and everything is just really beautifully finished and high quality. We have a bit less storage space overall than at our last place, but we’ll figure it out, and the neighbour noise is going to take a bit of getting used to after living in a concrete, pretty sound proof building for a while. Over all though, I’m really happy with this place, and I hope to stay for a good long time. It’s nicer and cheaper than my old place, which is a winning combination.
And then this coming weekend, I’m off to Mexico for a week. I’m really looking forward to a week with my sweetie, away from the cold, with all the churros I can eat. And also looking forward to just having a chance to relax, because all this moving stuff has been hectic.
Flavors: Malt, Sweet Potatoes
Thanks so much to nannuoshan for all the samples! This is my last one and I can honestly say that all of them were of excellent quality and delicious. I will be picking up some tea in the future.
The dry leaf of this tea looks like a silver needle crossed with a golden needle yunnan black. It is sea foam green color and smells fresh, with some potato and mint notes.
I followed the recommended gong fu parameters, but was able to enjoy a couple more infusions than were listed. The liquor is like a creamy yellow/taupe color, but clear and lightly viscous. The first sip tastes sweet with a juicy texture. There are definite potato notes and a delicious grilled taste with maybe some sweet pipe tobacco. This is amazing! It’s like velvet in my mouth.
Wow, this tea is so different than other white teas. Usually, white tea has hay or cucumber notes, but the grilled taste in this one is just fabulous! The uniqueness of this one makes it stand out to me, and it has definitely earned a place on my “buy” list.
Pics of the leaf and liquor:
Apricots and cream. So delicious.
I keep forgetting about these teas because the tins don’t really fit in my main cupboard (tins take up a lot of room!). But I was looking for something this morning and found this and decided to try it. So perfect. I’ve already had a coffee from one of those Vietnamese drip-through coffee makers. And now this creamy fruity deliciousness.
Yum. :)
Probably some place going out of business. Isn’t that kind of how Winners started? End of season stuff that didn’t sell, or liquidation stuff?
Yeah, I just wonder which (kind of) store would have ordered them in in the first place. Come on, Canadian businesses, bring it in!
LOL. Just maybe don’t go out of business or anything. Give Winners your older stock, we’re fine with that!
Spending some time with this sheng tonight. It’s pretty good. Not too green, not too bitter, not astringent, petty mild, gentle.
I haven’t explored pu’erh as much as I want to, and I haven’t really spent too much time with sheng. I have a couple that I really like, but most I think are too green and too bitter. I’m wanting to explore them more – but in my heart I think I’m a shou girl…
That’s actually what I said in the shop today. I don’t tend to like them because they’re too bitter. So I got a suggestion and tried it and yesss…
Since most sheng can go for many infusions try drinking it after 5 or 6 infusions. I am definitely a sheng girl. I could never get into some of the dark shou’s
It’s like I’m drinking honey.
I just. No words.
(Edit: Here. Have some pictures.
http://instagram.com/p/zJXcvZR5Nq )
O. M. G. I am buying a WHOLE CAKE JUST FOR ME. They only have ~10 left. O.o Hopefully they still have some next weekend.
Puerh-shop has one that tastes like liquid honey as well. I’m trying to convince myself I don’t need a full cake…
The nice thing is I can just pop into this store and pay Canadian. And… I will never help you convince yourself you don’t need a full cake. If you love it, buy it now. Do it! :)
I will send you some, Dexter. It needs suuuuper short steeps. I started with 2 seconds. :) (I might be a little tea drunk. Whee!)
LOL. Assuming I manage to get a cake, the plan is to send it out to try. Sil/Terri (b/c Sil always needs more for the boxes that go to Terri!), Dexter, DeleriumsFrogs, Kittenna… :) If I sent it out to everyone right now I wouldn’t have any left.
Pleasepleaseplease if you do get a cake, keep me in mind. I believe I’ve had a moonlight white pu’erh before too, and quite enjoyed it.
I do like this hot. It tastes… sumptuous and decadent. But I made some before I got distracted today. Went off to my hair appointment and it sat on the counter for an hour or so. Completely cold when I returned. Not luxurious so much now but seriously floral and heavily bergamot. It’s official. I like this one hot and really like it cold. :)
I’ve never cared fro Earl Grey because of the bergamot. I wonder if in the past I had low quality tea with bergamot and I might like it if I tried a higher quality tea? I might have to try a sample.
Maybe. Or you might just be like Sil and not like blergamot. :) But the tea base does make a big difference. This one comes across as deeper and richer to me because it has a Yunnan base. I’d be happy to send you a sample – or a few, I have a couple of EG variants. Just PM me.
My Crio Brüs are down to just Cavalla and Pumpkin Spice. Cavalla will stay, permanently.
This one is tasty, but came out ever so slightly bitter. I compare all these to Cavalla. Regardless, I’ve been feeling off tea as of late, and this one is sitting great this afternoon.
Busting out the ole Guitar Hero/Rock Band equipment means that I’ve been banging away at the drums for hours at a time, trying to beat, or even come close, to my guitar records on expert mode. This further means that I haven’t been drinking as much tea. It gets in the way of battling with Tom Morello, yo!
My mom and I both love this tea. The dry leaf is packed with beautiful flower petals and plump berries. There is supposed to be kiwi and fig in this, which were absent, but perhaps that has to do with the smaller quantity I got. Maybe you’re bound to find them in a 2+ oz. pouch.
It’s nice and refreshing. Lots of berry nuances, tart but not too sour, and the base behaves itself. This would make an excellent cold brew. My mom exclaimed that she likes this one even more than Tangier. And then asked in the cutest tone, “Umm, can we get more of this?”
Yes, yes we can. But I’ll wait until a 20% sale and/or when our Canadian dollar is a little stronger.
This makes a reasonable replacement for Butiki’s With Open Eyes, except there is no ginger. I can see throwing some candied ginger into this creating a damn good replacement.
I don’t know how to tell you guys this, so I’ll just say it: this is one of the best teas on the planet. It tastes EXACTLY like a buttermint, like you’d expect one to taste. Creamy, dreamy vanilla and a hint of refreshing mint at the end. Like, well, a buttermint. Like a hard candy, but in liquid form… I’ve already had six cups today. It’s that good.
Flavors: Butter, Creamy, Mint, Vanilla
Oh that sounds amazing. I’m not allowed to order more tea but here I am poking around Britsuperstore, contemplating an order.
I doubt I’ll have enough left over to share at this point, but I may need to grab another box.. so I might be able to send over a few, depending. Mikumofu, their entire Intensely series is actually quite good! Although, I didn’t have any of the chamomile ones, so perhaps they aren’t as amazing.
I love the aroma of this tea. Sweet and chocolate-y! Completely enticing!
A tea of chocolate-y bliss. This is lovely. Sweet, malty, and I love how the malt notes add a hint of caramel-esque flavor to the cup … the chocolate plus caramel-like flavors are heaven. I also taste notes of sweet potato and a hint of cream (almost buttery), and a touch of vanilla.
As the tea cools, I notice some citrus notes toward the tail.
A wonderful tea! Here’s my full-length article: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/01/15/yu-lu-yan-cha-black-tea-from-verdant-tea/
Very heavy on the tulsi flavour, which, combined with the other notes, came across as quite herbal and medicinal.
Flavors: Herbaceous, Medicinal, Mint, Tulsi
Teabox stuff has been hit or miss for me, but I guess that’s to be expected when you’re sampling a company’s entire selection.
Very true. I am glad that I’ve started out with the Beginner’s Collection. I think the Kangra Green has been my favorite so far…I may get that and the Assam you drank earlier next time. :)
Tulsi doesn’t have the greatest flavour but it has a wonderful relaxing effect when you’re feeling stressed.
I liked this one…first time trying tulsi. A black chai with tulsi was included in the variety pack…maybe I’ll try that one tomorrow.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Not that I celebrate it as such since you should celebrate love to your partner every day…but I understand the sentiment. Planned for today is to play Borderlands The Pre Sequal pretty much non stop on split screen, drink lots of tea and cook a diet friendly 3 course meal. Such a thing is possible I found.
This morning I started with English Rose black tea from Whittard of Chelsea, the most romantic tea I could think of this morning, and now I’ve gone for this Gianfranco’s Earl Grey which is still simply amazing. Full of flavour without being overly strong due to the Darjeeling base but keeping fresh and pleasant through storage. Almost out of this one one but I will definitely be re-stocking it.
Hope you all have a nice day!
I really love this tea blend! When I ordered this, I knew I would probably enjoy it; I was absolutely right, and have been drinking it a lot!
This has everything I love in a tea. Not fussy, good anytime of day, resteeps wonderfully for another cup, and most important – so delicious!
Beautiful dry leaf that brews a fulfilling, smooth and and perfectly balanced cup of tea, with notes of honeyed malt, cocoa, pastries and a hint of fruitiness.
This is my perfect anytime tea, and I actually wish I bought more than just one tin!
Wow, that’s too bad! Thanks for letting me know! I’ll have to go for their Tiger Assam instead…that sounds good as well.
so tiger assam i’m very partial to so i just take that out of the running lol but this one is better than red tailed…and i do love red tailed as well
Sil, I ordered a tin of this with one of the tiger assam after seeing the shipping deal you got for us in Canada last month. I had been waiting for a deal so I could order more of the tiger and thought I may as well try this one too. Glad I did, though yeah, getting a second tin would have been better!
Mike, the tiger Assam is great too! I have only tried these two but love them both. I’m sure you will like the assam one :)
whatshesaid, it is darn expensive, but the tea is good…and the tins are so cute too! When I ordered I told myself at least I was saving a few dollars on shipping :)
dexter is awesome and portioned out a little of this one from her stash for me to have again. I have the 2014 version but it’s got nothing on the 2013 version. Sadly i missed my chance to pick up more of the 2013 version :(
Alongside this one, i’m also drinking a tea of the same name from dexter’s tea pusher. Both have that deliciously chocolatey taste…i think i like dexter’s tea pusher just slightly but both are different enough that i could drink both all day….every day lol. so good. i just hope 2015 version from YS will be more like 2013. :(
thank you so much dexter!
I love this tea. I haven’t tried YS version but I have from other vendors and it is pretty damn good.
Yeah, I had two from a different vendor. One was extremely chocolatey and thick the other one was heavier but didn’t have as much chocolate. I wish I could get more info on the flush used and firing. I would buy KGs of it if I’m sure it is the one I love. lol
Understand the problem JC. I’m still looking for one that’s similar to a sample I had that tasted like a chocolate caramel oolong. It was amazing. To add to the confusion I noticed that some sellers have been experimenting with aging and this tends to result in a tea where the fruity/malty tones are toned down emphasising the chocolate notes so I don’t know if the tea I liked tasted that way cue to the harvest, handling or aging.
I think 2013 was just a good year for ZSXZ – I like both the YS and my tea guy’s 2013 version better than the 2014. Here’s hoping for 2015….
I think the dry spring kind of intensified the grainy/malty notes in the tea at the expense of the honeyed/caramel, cocoa notes.
Sipdown! 2/6 tins. 4 more to go. And might be getting more on Thursday if they are still in stock at the Lupicia store! :D
I seriously drink this tea so much. It never gets old. One of the best teas I’ve ever had. I can’t imagine not having this again. It’s the perfect tea for when I can’t drink caffeine! :D
Also the second tin of this went super fast. I don’t think I’ve ever finished a 50g bag THAT fast before. This is why I need more haha
That certainly sounds good! I’m looking for teas that I can drink in the evening without feeling too wired for sleep. maybe I should try this one.
Holy crap. I just went and ordered a tin of this. Crap. I wasn’t going to buy any more tea. Bad Maddy. Bad girl!
Thanks VariaTea and Ost! I’m looking forward to getting it. I also ordered Orange Kidd. I’ve never had green rooibos. I can;’t wait to try these!
Aha, well not sure why they have it since it’s the store in LA, Sil. The first couple times I came it wasn’t in stock but all of a sudden last time I went it was there, so I am hoping they still have some left. But yeah, thought it was only the SF stores that are supposed to have it. So no idea haha!
Breaking out the 2007 Xiaguan flame to try it again. According to my tasting notes I got this 3 years ago (from mandala). I remember being so impressed that I went back and bought another cake. My plan for the second cake is to let it age for 20 years so I can drink the first cake in the meantime. :)
This seems to be aging ok in my closet. It seems slightly more mellow than I remember it, however it is still potent. Definitely a smoky aftertaste but sweet also. Xiaguans can be really bitter if you use boiling water and steep them for too long. I usually give mine very short steeps and use water around 200F. Doing that I get a sweetish/honey aftertaste for the most part.
I love the energy this cake gives me, and the aroma is like a smoky forest. Somehow it is meditative and energizing at the same time. This is one sheng that gets me kind of tea drunk. I think I need to get another one of these… ;)
Omg guys. If anyone has this and doesn’t like it PLEASE I WILL BUY IT OR SWAP OR ANYTHING. Ahem.
Basically, this tea is amazing, and it’s the closest I will ever probably taste to my beloved Banana Oolong from DavidsTea (although I am going to petition hard for the new 52teas to replicate this, if I remember). It’s a bit different, of course – I can distinctly taste the walnut in here – but the rest is much the same. Delicious oolong base (it works SO well with these flavours), natural banana flavour (no runts!), butterscotch to give the bananas a bit of a caramelized flavour, which is amazing. I am so glad I bought a second pouch of this… but 1 ounce is not enough of this tea. Not even close. Had I the opportunity, I would probably pick up at least 4 ounces of this (probably more). I miss you Butiki :(
Kittenna-You may want to check with Sil. I don’t think she liked it that much. Maybe she would be willing to part with her portion?
Excellent cup. Malty, light and delicious.
One week till we move, so my giant pile of tea has been moved into a box (well, soon to be two boxes – one medium moving box cannot contain it all.) So for the next week I’ll probably just be grabbing whatever is near the top to drink.
Last of my ESGreen samples – I saved this one for last because this was the one I was most looking forward to trying.
This isn’t really doing it for me tonight. It’s a bit too finicky, some astringent, and not at all in my preferred flavor profile. If you get the steep just right it is fruity, but it also has some bitter cocoa notes, maybe even a hint of molasses. Just a little oversteeped and it turns really aggressive on the bitter notes, maybe a hint of smoke.
I’m sure this is a quality tea it’s just not for me.
All in all though I’ve been really happy with the samples I got from them. Really liked 3 of the 4 and would consider ordering from them again. LOL I have a BUNCH of loyalty points so I SHOULD order from them again.
I bought this one and love it.
Another sample from nannuoshan. The directions on this one warn not to steep for longer than 5 secs unless you can handle the intensity. This is probably what i’m least a fan of with this one :) I accidentally steeped this one for about 10 sec and it was too bitter for me. While i didn’t mind the taste of this one…it’s a little finicky for me as far as a puerh goes. that being said, if you DO steep this one with the short steeps, it’s a pretty smooth puerh and worth the time spent enjoying it. it’s refreshing, slightly sweet and enjoyable! thank you again gabriel!