Super Sad Cold Brew Sipdown (326)
So I love this tea and saying good bye to it is heartbreaking enough since I can’t just order more when I want. But, I think I slightly understeeped this sipdown so while it still has a lot of candied ginger yumminess to it, the cola is a little less prominent than usual. Still delicious though, and still a sad one to say good bye to.
Even worse is this is also the last cold brew I made in my beloved cold brew bottle before I knocked it over on the counter and it exploded into a bizillion pieces. My anxiety seemed to be running a bit high today which has had me distracted and rather klutxy. And when I say exploded, I mean it. One topple over on the counter and glass literally went flying all over the place…the counter…the floor…even the couch. I have the small one still and I ordered a replacement via amazon but there is no more decorative designs like the one I had from Bird and Blend. Sad, sad day (though I know there are much worse things happening in the world right now so I guess if that is the worst I need to deal with then fine).
I’m sorry to hear about you breaking your favorite bottle. :(
Thank you. I was off cold brewing for so long and then given the quarantine I was making one daily so it sucked to break it. Plus, it was one of several klutzy moments yesterday since I was have a super anxious/super off day.