So this is the first tea ever that I’ve posted twice in my #365daysoftea on Instagram. I actually keeps notes and stuff to make sure I don’t repeat but yesterday I sorta just said fuck it. I decided I wanted to make a while chocolate latte, inspired by the matcha one I had last week. However, I’m at my sisters with only a fraction of my tea stash which means none of my matcha. I decided a chai version of the latte could be good but I only have this chai or a boxed grocery store chai, I think PC brand, that my sister got as part of a gift basket. I debated using the boxed chai just to get that diversity for my photos but then I was like screw it, I’m experimenting and intend on using the good, high quality chai I have lots of and would prefer to drink. So the repeat happened since I also didn’t end up making any other teas.
Honestly, it was the right choice to use this because I’ve never made the white chocolate latte and while I used too much white chocolate, this was really good. This blend of chai spices really suits my tastes and the white chocolate added an awesome creaminess. Plus, since I know what to expect from this blend, when something was off, it was super clear that it was the amount of white chocolate used. And by “off” in this case, I don’t mean bad because this was delicious. Instead, by “off” I just mean that there was an imbalance of flavours that I know I can improve on.
Today my brother-in-law and I are venturing out into the world which we aren’t really supposed to be doing but we are going to London to close down my apartments and get things like my clothes, my textbooks, and my tea/teaware. When we return with all that, I’ll be back into quarantine with my sister while my brother and brother-in-law have to venture into the world for work. Hope everything is doing okay in these crazy times. I know I’ll be happier when I have all my stuff with me…mostly all my teas.
People in my building SUCK at social distancing but we did whatever we could to avoid people and we walked through the lobby using clorox wipes to touch doors and buttons and then sanitizing before we touched our car and washing our hands as soon as we got into my apartment. Hopefully that was sufficient.
I hope everything went alright!
People in my building SUCK at social distancing but we did whatever we could to avoid people and we walked through the lobby using clorox wipes to touch doors and buttons and then sanitizing before we touched our car and washing our hands as soon as we got into my apartment. Hopefully that was sufficient.