Interestingly enough, this tea was already in the Steepster database and already had a tasting note.
This is another nice blend. I am actually surprised b/c normally I do not care for blends of different base types (i.e. black and green tea blends) but so far Østerlandsk Thehus has been delivering. In fact, most of the teas my sister got for me are blends of different types of tea mixed with fruit. I also noticed when adding the blends to my steepster cupboard that 2/8 teas she got me had quince. I found this interesting since quince doesn’t even appear to be an ingredient option here on steepster as it is not a particularly common flavor and yet my sister managed to grab multiple teas with that ingredient. Excited to give it a go.
When it comes to this tea, I would not have picked this for myself. In fact, most of the blends she got, I might not have chosen for myself but they all seem interesting. My sister actually picked them by what tins appealed to her b/c apparently the special house blends all had colorful custom tins. That’s one way to do it, I suppose.
This tea is fruity. Not the same generic mishmash of fruit flavors that so many other teas have. I wish I paid more attention and that my palate was better at picking out certain notes because I know they are there but if I am being honest, it is hard for me to pick up what is what. I think there is some creamy pear and papaya. Perhaps a nod to raspberry. I also I know there is citrus but there was not as much grapefruit as I anticipated. It is good, I just wish my note did it justice.