Sipdown!! (169)
This week has been kind of crazy for me. It started Sunday which I spent writing a paper that continued on throughout the night and took me until 8 pm Monday to finish. This was my first all-nighter of the week.
Tuesday, I slept in because I woke up early and felt so sick, I doubted anything would get finished. Luckily, I woke up at noon feeling fine and then proceeded to study until 6 am. The plan was to sleep in Wednesday but at 9 am I woke up and could not turn my brain off long enough to fall asleep.
Wednesday meant more studying and at 6 pm I started my last final. Three hours later, good or bad, the semester was over. I returned home to a meal prepared by my roommate and I hung out with her and her family (they are visiting for the holidays). Then at midnight, I started packing for Florida and cleaning my room so when I returned home, all would be nice and organized.
I arrived at the airport at 3 am (after some major issues due to unclear detour routes) and at 6 am I got on my flight. Unfortunately, the plane left an hour late and was so incredibly uncomfortable that I could not sleep a bit so I sat as the minutes slowly ticked on. The end result was getting to see my mom though so that is worth it.
Anyways, since arriving in Florida, I came home to the condo and dropped off my suitcase then went to a farmer’s market to buy produce and Publix to buy everything else. My mom and I brought the groceries back and then had to look up an address for Jenny Craig so I could go get my food. The Jenny Craig was close to The Spice and Tea Exchange so, of course, I had to drop in there. I left empty-handed, not really impressed by any of their teas but ended up in a store called “Sur la Table” because apparently despite leaving Montreal, I am still drawn to the French. There I picked up a Finum Brewing basket and a leaf tea infuser.
After getting home from running all our errands, I promptly started the kettle and put my infusers to work. I threw this tea from Veronica into the leaf infuser and Vanilla Orchid Oolong in the basket. Remembering that I felt this tea was a bit watered down in flavor, I dumped the whole 2 tsps I had left. Unfortunately, that has done very little to enhance the cinnamon for me. Instead it amplified the taste of the black tea which is emphasizing the bread-y notes and almost drowning out the cinnamon flavor. Consequently, I think this tea and I just are not a match and so now that it is gone it will most likely be forgotten. However, thank you Veronica for helping me mark this one off my shopping list.