1220 Tasting Notes
Of course I didn’t log this tea the first time I had it…or second…of course. After that, I kind of lost it. I put it in a tote bag I took on a trip, then moved, and thought it was gone forever until I remembered the tote bag.
Over that time, the fruit flavors have really become strong and it is so delicious. I honestly just want to sit with the bag all day and smell it. I want to turn it into a perfume.
It’s really good as an iced tea, but suddenly it went from iced tea weather to hot tea weather in 36 hours here, so I had to have it hot in order not to be colder. Still good.
The easiest way to describe it? It’s like someone took a cup of black tea and melted a bit of sherbert in it. I like that even though the fruit flavors smell so strongly, they don’t overpower the tea in taste.
I love this entire set of white Nordqvist teas. When I don’t want to make loose leaf tea, I can just pop a bag in a mug, and set my Keurig to run some plain water in there. And considering how fast I can down a mug of this stuff, I wouldn’t want to spend so much time on it! This is a very light, lovely pear flavored tea. There’s a bit of other flavors in there, just to give it an extra bit of fruity flavor.
I would move to Finland to have more of this tea all the time.
I used this tea to make muffins before I even drank it. But, it was awesome in them, so it would figure it was even more delicious to drink. It reminded me of a Mounds bar in tea form. Neither flavor overpowered the other, I could taste both chocolate and coconut. Definitely tastes like it would be more indulgent than it really is. I wish it was freezing outside because I think it would make an amazing ice cream too so then it could be a bit bad!
I like making this as a cold pressed tea. I also decided the other night to actually add rum to it. All it probably needs is a bit of club soda, a squeeze of lime, and it would be a perfect tea cocktail!
The only problem with making it cold is I don’t think it brings the mint out enough. All the fruit flavors come out quite well, and you can still tell it’s made of green tea even when a good bit of rum is added.
so the chocolate kiss didn’t melt entirely, but oh man that made it even better. I steeped it longer this time too. I almost think I need white chocolate syrup…the experimentation will never end. and actually, I typed experiMINTation the first time and should have left my subconscious typo….so much more minty when it’s steeped longer too!
When I saw a list of teas in stock, and only one White Chocolate Grasshopper was left, I hightailed it to the 52teas website and was psyched to see it was still there. Mine mine MINE.
It came today, and first thing I did was smell it…and I was kind of scared. I’ve never had a honeybush tea before, so I figured it was the problem since the mint and vanilla smelled like legit mint and vanilla…spearmint at that…yum.
So after dinner, I decided to have a cup (groaning on the way to the kitchen that I actually had to use a kettle in order to get boiling water). After brewing it still had that weirdly sweet smell.
Unlike the tea I had the day before, it wasn’t too much for my nose to handle and I really enjoyed this tea. It could use a bit more chocolate (…I’m pretty sure though I would think ANYTHING needs a bit more chocolate) but it is so good. I love mint and vanilla together. I thought maybe it would be a bit too sweet for my tastes, but it’s perfect.
Maybe I will sit one of these aerated Hershey Kisses in the bottom of my cup next time…it’s almost midnight but I want to do that right nooooow…
When I first brewed a cup, I legitimately thought something was wrong with my mug, like it wasn’t washed or something. It just smelled terrible. Since it had only been in the cup for maybe 15 seconds, I brewed it again and realized no, that’s the tea.
I didn’t even finish it. It wasn’t bad but it just wasn’t worth braving the odd scent for a sip.
I got this tea because it sounded like it would taste like a pina colada tea. Meh! Anything but. Glad I only bought a sample.
Oops, I have been neglecting this site very much! :(
This was the first cup of tea I decided to make by having the easy convenience of a Keurig machine. It claims 195 so I figured it should work. And it did, never had to turn on the stove!
This tea smells amazing but unfortunately the same cannot be said for the taste. The chocolate is there, but the strawberry is just lost. (I see others say the same thing.) The rose doesn’t really bring anything to the party for me and I almost wonder if it’s the reason the strawberry is so muddled in there.
I will give it another shot, maybe experiment and see if actual boiling water helps and other things.