1220 Tasting Notes
Well the good thing about just drinking peppermint tea because I can taste it is: SIPDOWN! I still have over 800 teas…lawd.
I’m going to switch back over to spearmint now. I have to say that I like spearmint a lot better. No matter how short I steep, I get that peppermint burn from it. Spearmint for some reason I can better control how I steep. I’d love to have had this cold one last time but I woke up around 3am coughing uncontrollably so hot drinks sound great right now. Even though it’s on its way to being 80 outside.
I used up the last of the 1/2 oz bag I had and didn’t really measure, but made sure not to steep more than about 3 minutes. It’s thankfully not as strong as it was last night when I know I made sure to only steep it for about 4 minutes.
And of course it tastes like mint. Nostril clearing mint.
ooh by the way I finally got go to see my garden yesterday, after almost a week. I started an album now: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4985004551900.1073741828.1503090120&type=1
I really need to take care of the stuff on my patio a bit better now, oddly though the cucumber plants in the garden plot are way smaller than the ones at home. I almost want to switch them out haha. I’m getting sad everything else on the patio is very slow, I would love to use fresh spearmint for some tea too.
I’m hoping it’s just that my taste buds still don’t entirely work but this is entirely terrible. :( This is driving me crazy. It’s been almost a week since I could drink tea :(
It just tastes like burned malt. Wah I just want to be able to write tasting notes and taste things. Good news is I am on antibiotics now and know what has gone wrong (sinus + ear infection, argh) so hopefully soon I can taste again.
Since I’ve regained the ability to taste and smell, I grabbed the first ridiculous tea I laid eyes on. Since this one could double as trail mix, perfect.
The only problem is I have a lot of pressure in my ears now to the point I probably have to go to a doctor tomorrow, it’s making drinking tea really obnoxious, my right ear pops after every sip.
This tastes oddly sweet, and it’s really light. It isn’t very nutty this time. I tried to use more than the bag calls for, but it definitely needs maybe twice that? Did I not pay attention to the last time I had this…hm. I ended up steeping it awhile because I was on the phone and it really seems like all that did for the tea was sweeten it and not really flavor it much.
Also don’t eat the bananas after they’ve steeped unless you’re ok with the flavor of banana with the texture of potato. So weirded out right now.
I needed to grab peppermint tea since this movie theatre with its eat in menu shows “herbal teas” and I was like, oh good, I can get peppermint. No. They had four teas and only one of them was herbal. So finally today I am getting my peppermint tea especially because today is the day of the cold where it feels like everything’s trying to leave via coughing.
I was hoping to get an organic peppermint but meh, I couldn’t find one in the other section of the store so this one would have to do. It does brew up way too quickly, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since it does say 3-5 min on the box.
The good thing is that it’s not actually super minty, I can actually taste it and it’s not like that immediate menthol feeling in my mouth. YES I CAN TASTE AGAIN. It is fantastic.
So yeah really peppermint. Nothing special. Feels good. Far prefer a larger cut of peppermint but when Kroger’s all you have what can you really do. (Though one I used to live near had some, I feel like.)
btw so totally getting all the dried herbs to make/improve that blend of herbs for a cold. Felt soooo good after that.
So since I can’t really taste I have no idea why I went for this. I just knew I wanted puerh and well this doesn’t seem like a waste on useless taste buds.
First I just have to laugh again at the packaging of this tea. TEMPT your water to a boil. Whatever.
I tempted my water to a boil by subjecting it to heat in a closed container and steeped it for three minutes.
While really this was just hey maybe puerh helps get rid of colds, I was hoping for chocolate. I could taste chocolate. And just a bit of hay, I was worried this was actually going to be terrible and I’d be able to taste fishiness since I didn’t give it a little rinse off first.
I don’t understand puerh in a tea bag but I guess when you want it really conveniently, it works. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go cry because of hockey.
Since this will probably be awesome and I will have to make it again and hope I don’t stunt the poor lemon balm, I have decided this will get its own tea listing.
I took 3 sprigs of lemon balm for probably 15 leaves, tore them to bruise them up, then I added some dried peppermint and put some schisandra berries through the food processor just to tear them up a bit.
I wasn’t sure lemon balm was gonna be a good choice until I read it had anti-viral properties, and well, a virus is what I have. Peppermint I already knew was good, I had some of that yesterday. I really wish I had some ginger but I don’t think I even own ground ginger. Meh. Oh and then schisandra is supposed to be good for boosting your immune system since I don’t know why mine has failed me.
Now the worst part is waiting for this to steep. Which means I can complain: it is terrible to have a cold and it’s 80 degrees outside.
So. Taste. I wasn’t really going for taste here. It’s a bit like minty berry juice with a hint of lemon? It’s not terrible. It’s certainly a lot better than last time I thought I was getting a cold, got some Yogi tea thing, and it was just gross. I probably could have used a good bit more water to make this less strong, so I just diluted it.
It’s a mix of like tasting really herby/green and sour. Of course I don’t even know how well I can taste. It might just taste terrible but hey, resteeping these things for later might just help me out. I need to kill off this cold by Monday. Badly.
I would highly recommend mixing up stuff yourself for a cold, it is kind of entertaining in the midst of feeling sick to play herb mixologist. I would like this with a bit more peppermint I think, and I’d love to get ginger and maybe elderflower in here too.
Ohhh also just added in about a tsp of local wildflower honey, that kind of killed off the sourness of what I assume was the schisandra, so it just tastes like grass now. I’m pretty sure I can’t taste anything.
Except cough syrup, it’s gotta be a rule that even if you can down cilantro filled soup with no problems and usually want to be sick from just a little piece, you still taste every terrible drop of that stuff.
I woke up yesterday with a cold. I kept drinking teas I couldn’t taste. I wasted a good one on that. So I decided I’d go to the Numi sampler and this one sounded like it’d be fine.
Except I don’t care for chamomile…I could still taste it. The lemon myrtle part was nice and soothing though. I think I may have just steeped this too long, I was probably distracted by sneezing my face off.
Anyone have a good idea for what I can drink? Hot drinks feel so good. I’m thinking I should stick with herbals or even fruit tisanes? I have no idea what’s good for colds but I’m guessing I tend not to have a lot of it. Would grabbing some lemon balm from my patio make a good option too? I’m too sad to use teas I really like.
I got Indian food today so it’d be spicy and make my nose run even more and they include soup and it was full of cilantro and I didn’t even notice D: And it’s so nice outside but I just want to lay here. Wahhh.
I am probably just going to toss all the teas I have from this company. They are so terrible. They are so overly flavored that it’s absolutely disgusting. Every single one I have tried has been so artificial. This wouldn’t be bad if it didn’t taste like that. I even purposely steeped this short to not get the taste of rooibos, and I had hoped maybe it would stave off that problem at the same time, but it did not.
And I think there’s still two I haven’t tried. Ughhhh.
I decided to give it a shot cold and it was even worse. Another one to toss. Unless someone actually wants this? I can’t imagine.
I got this as a sample way back when I ordered from Persimmon Tree, and I was craving silver needle. I’ve got this and a couple other packets to get through before I open my half pound bag of the stuff. It’s been too long since I’ve had some silver needle, ahhh.
The rating makes this tea look bad, it’s not bad. It’s not as good as Teavivre’s, but it’s not bad at all. I’d think a bad silver needle would be really obvious haha.
It just doesn’t seem as intense, but that’s easily fixed with a bit more leaf. I think normally I drink silver needle pretty strongly, but it still has that taste of spring to it. I miss spring. I went to check the weather earlier and it was 30 degrees warmer in Canada. I didn’t think that was very nice.
This is okay, above average, and tasty. I don’t think I’ll bother resteeping it so I can go drink something else now.
This tea is just weird. It tells you it’s like butter cookies but then cumin, peppercorns, and coriander are in the ingredients….those aren’t really cookie ingredients? So I am kind of scared of even drinking this.
It smells terrible. It smells like butter and spice. That’s fine in food, In tea, I don’t know. Yeah really the actual ingredients say Indian food, the description is just way off. So is the name. Truffle would imply either there’s chocolate or there’s mushrooms.
No. I don’t even want to drink this. I took a couple sips and just no. Whatever it is doesn’t work. It makes me feel sick to just smell it because of the various spices, they don’t mesh, and so it just smells like a poorly stored spice rack where they all hit you at once, and don’t smell great together.