:( my poor matcha…I forgot about it in the fridge..this one has very little flavor left and is also a bit bitter. Sadface :( I will try the other two I had in the fridge too, but they might not make it..luckily, I have an unopened cheesecake one from when I bought them all, I should have saved more of them! Ah well, it’s still drinkable. Oh and I finally got a matcha whisk a few weeks ago too lol, it didn’t do much for this one today. I even added a bit of milk and its just not the same as it used to be. Anyways, see previous notes for what this matcha really tastes like..awesome!!
Oh and btw – not having this to wake up haha, matcha usually makes me quite relaxed for some reason, I have had it before bed a few times and I sleep really good lol, strange effect but that’s how it goes
ETA – I dumped the latter half of the cup :( not quite what I was looking for tonight unfortunately, boo for my tea abuse! Makes me sad :(