So I didn’t actually drink this last night, but while I was packing some of this up to send to Virginia I ate one of the almond pieces out of it….yeah…..don’t ever do that. Public service announcement.
LMAO I’m glad I just proofread this note because I had written pubic service announcement not public service announcement.
Good to know, I always debate whether or not I should eat the stuff that’s in my tea, just to see…By the way, I will shamefully admit that I had to re read that last statement about 10 times and then compare it letter for letter before noticing the difference xD So embarrassing. Why am I always that girl that’s like “what?” with a dumb expression on my face?? EVEN ON THE INTERNET gaaah
That sounds like the title of a really sketchy craigslist add “Pubic service announcement” haha
Good to know, I always debate whether or not I should eat the stuff that’s in my tea, just to see…By the way, I will shamefully admit that I had to re read that last statement about 10 times and then compare it letter for letter before noticing the difference xD So embarrassing. Why am I always that girl that’s like “what?” with a dumb expression on my face?? EVEN ON THE INTERNET gaaah
That sounds like the title of a really sketchy craigslist add “Pubic service announcement” haha
Both the public service announcement and your proofreading made me smile. Thanks!
OMG so funny, I hope to never post a pubic service announcement on craigslist