Desperate need for comfort tea today. I’ve tried for two days to review my last Simple Loose Leaf sample, and I have a stack of What-Cha and Whymm to get to, but at the moment it is just not going to happen.
I haven’t posted much lately. Really haven’t felt well for a couple weeks. The medicine the pulmonologist put me on 6 weeks ago worked fine for a month. Got it refilled and it was like a switch flipped. I’m back to not being able to do much of anything without becoming out of breath and I’ve never smoked a day in my life. Even making tea is work at the moment.
Checked with the pharmacy, his records show the refill is from the same supplier. He exchanged the old ones for some out of a different bottle but it appears the problem is me. Guess I will be making the trip back to the doctor for a different medicine.
On top of that, I got my welcome to Medicare packet in the mail. Kind of a reality jolt. It won’t kick in until July. It takes two and a half years once you admit to yourself you are disabled to get Medicare. My doctor tried to convince me so a year sooner – stupid man pride. The last year I worked, I would sit in my car for 5 minutes after everyone else left while I waited for my blue fingers to turn pink so I could drive home. Here’s your sign.
You have to be unable to work for six months to be considered disabled by the government, then two more years before Medicare kicks in. It’s stupid. The intention is to prevent abuse I guess but really it is much easier on the abuser to go without during the waiting period. The politicians and the press have turned it into a political football. Having been on both sides of the issue, I do understand. Anyway I am feeling a little old and battered today.
Sorry for the over sharing. Just hoping it might encourage someone who is struggling to hold on. Tomorrow is a new day.
While I wait for better days ahead with some new drugs, I am enjoying this my favorite peasant tea.
I am really sorry. Sorry that the meds aren’t working any more, and sorry that you have to wait so long to get Medicare coverage. My day job is for Medicare. The Medicare trust fund loses over $64 million dollars a day. A good chunk of that is fraud, so that’s why the delay. But it really gets my goat that honest people in need are the ones to pay for the bad apples.
I am somewhat of a bureaucrat by trade (reluctantly; I just want to do crafts and play with kids when I grow up), but oh, how bureaucracy frustrates me! Hope the comfort tea propped up your battered bones :)
Thanks all.
Maddy, I have been fortunate enough to have insurance the last year. The coming Medicare thing is just a reminder of my new normal. You are on the inside so I believe you, however everything has been so well documented, tested, and double checked, I can’t even begin to comprehend how fraud occurs on the average person’s end. I know, just shows how naive I am.
Some fraud is committed by beneficiaries, but the bulk is by suppliers of medical equipment. At any rate, I hope things get better for you in the near future. Meanwhile, tea is pretty good medicine. Not a cure-all, but good!
I am really sorry. Sorry that the meds aren’t working any more, and sorry that you have to wait so long to get Medicare coverage. My day job is for Medicare. The Medicare trust fund loses over $64 million dollars a day. A good chunk of that is fraud, so that’s why the delay. But it really gets my goat that honest people in need are the ones to pay for the bad apples.
I am somewhat of a bureaucrat by trade (reluctantly; I just want to do crafts and play with kids when I grow up), but oh, how bureaucracy frustrates me! Hope the comfort tea propped up your battered bones :)
So sorry to hear. I hope the meds get sorted out soon and things improve for you.
Prayers for you K S.
Please get well soon K S! We are sure everything will turn out fine in the end:)
I understand, and give you my best wishes that things improve with every day.
Thanks all.
Maddy, I have been fortunate enough to have insurance the last year. The coming Medicare thing is just a reminder of my new normal. You are on the inside so I believe you, however everything has been so well documented, tested, and double checked, I can’t even begin to comprehend how fraud occurs on the average person’s end. I know, just shows how naive I am.
Some fraud is committed by beneficiaries, but the bulk is by suppliers of medical equipment. At any rate, I hope things get better for you in the near future. Meanwhile, tea is pretty good medicine. Not a cure-all, but good!
Prayers for you, K S!