I had plans to drink all kinds of tea today. I have only had two cups today. I also had plans to eat lunch but here it is 4:00 and all I have had today is a bagel. Funny thing about plans. Strangely – because it never happens – I woke up craving chai. This one has a white tea base. The spices are pleasant and not all Grrr in your face. It is a little peppery, cinnamon and cardamom. Very nice on the extremely rare occasion when I crave chai. I have enjoyed all the Simple Loose Leaf teas I have tried.
Lovely review. I have tried Chai teas and always return to green teas. Of late I am withdrawing. I visited Tower Hill Botanic Garden and found that they have a line of tisane teas and one is name Cedarwood Chai; and another one that you might like is call Dream Catcher and their Twilight Morning might make for a good cup. I know tisane is completely not tea at all; although some might argue otherwise. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Seule771. Thanks for the suggestions. I am definitely not anti-tisane. I’ll have to look into these.
When I submit my blog I hope to include photo image for the teas at their gift shop. Price for a canister of their tisane ran about $9; not at all bad and a flat petry dish like tin cost $4.50. I over did with my tea consumption last year; so I am abstaining as best as I can. I can only have matcha teas but they can be costly. I had KaiMatcha just end of last year.
Thank you for replying. Take care in Kansas and Happy New Year. It is stormy weather here in New England. Very white and beautiful; I made the mistake of accepting a ride home from the library instead of walking home; so I feel that I lost something somehow. I mean something has been taken away from me by not walking home myself. Society has ways of punishing folks. You are expected to soldier on while others slide bye the way side. I trust your insurance and health care is in order now; as last year this was a concern for you. If I am speaking to the right reviewer. I read post from times and don’t always comment. In viewing your bio,you are in Indiana, I thought you were in Kansas? I am confuse and speaking/thinking of another reviewer. Indiana gets lost of snow as well. Enough, have a good day. Sorry for being confuse.
Yep, I’m in Indiana where we will have another seemingly never ending winter storm warning tomorrow followed by another arctic blast. I’m sure it is headed your way. Stay safe.
Thank you for remembering my struggle. Life has gotten a lot easier in the last year but my health is not going to allow me to return to the workforce. I stay busy but I do miss work – except when it snows and the temperature is below zero. :)
I have just added your blog to my list. I did not realize you had followed the advice to blog. Looking forward to the pictures.
It is not a good blog at all; when you have seen what the experienced folks can do. I am just letting you know, not to expect greatness or wanderfullness. It is mediocre.
I could say that I was at library and some person made mentioning of photos or such and now reading of this from days ago I am connecting the two. How to disassociate so as not to be bothered by what others do that is hurtful to me.
Blizzard here; snow is not quite up to my knees but close enough.
I have quite a lot of things bothering me; living in general. Bye.
Lovely review. I have tried Chai teas and always return to green teas. Of late I am withdrawing. I visited Tower Hill Botanic Garden and found that they have a line of tisane teas and one is name Cedarwood Chai; and another one that you might like is call Dream Catcher and their Twilight Morning might make for a good cup. I know tisane is completely not tea at all; although some might argue otherwise. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Seule771. Thanks for the suggestions. I am definitely not anti-tisane. I’ll have to look into these.
When I submit my blog I hope to include photo image for the teas at their gift shop. Price for a canister of their tisane ran about $9; not at all bad and a flat petry dish like tin cost $4.50. I over did with my tea consumption last year; so I am abstaining as best as I can. I can only have matcha teas but they can be costly. I had KaiMatcha just end of last year.
Thank you for replying. Take care in Kansas and Happy New Year. It is stormy weather here in New England. Very white and beautiful; I made the mistake of accepting a ride home from the library instead of walking home; so I feel that I lost something somehow. I mean something has been taken away from me by not walking home myself. Society has ways of punishing folks. You are expected to soldier on while others slide bye the way side. I trust your insurance and health care is in order now; as last year this was a concern for you. If I am speaking to the right reviewer. I read post from times and don’t always comment. In viewing your bio,you are in Indiana, I thought you were in Kansas? I am confuse and speaking/thinking of another reviewer. Indiana gets lost of snow as well. Enough, have a good day. Sorry for being confuse.
Yep, I’m in Indiana where we will have another seemingly never ending winter storm warning tomorrow followed by another arctic blast. I’m sure it is headed your way. Stay safe.
Thank you for remembering my struggle. Life has gotten a lot easier in the last year but my health is not going to allow me to return to the workforce. I stay busy but I do miss work – except when it snows and the temperature is below zero. :)
I have just added your blog to my list. I did not realize you had followed the advice to blog. Looking forward to the pictures.
It is not a good blog at all; when you have seen what the experienced folks can do. I am just letting you know, not to expect greatness or wanderfullness. It is mediocre.
I could say that I was at library and some person made mentioning of photos or such and now reading of this from days ago I am connecting the two. How to disassociate so as not to be bothered by what others do that is hurtful to me.
Blizzard here; snow is not quite up to my knees but close enough.
I have quite a lot of things bothering me; living in general. Bye.
Hope you have the opportunity for a sweet and peaceful walk in new snow, seule! Out here in the country a fat blanket of snow muffles all the sound—like being surrounded by cold cotton!