Waking up so early is starting to take its toll on me. I drank green tea all morning because I was awake. Chugged a Mtn Dew with lunch but it has since faded. I need go-go juice. Reached in the drawer for a Yunnan, came out with this one. Finished off the sample. I leafed a little heavier than my normal. The result is a little more rose than I noted the first time. As soon as the cup cooled the rose faded some allowing the glorious Dian Hong to rise up and give me the boost I needed to make it through the afternoon. A very nice rose black tea.
You could do what Honey Boo Boo does and mix pixie stix in red bull and chug that! Ha ha. (I take no responsibility for you actions after you drink that though) :P
Heh, Mountain Dew. Do you have Ski in your area of Indiana?
I have seen it but not tried it. Mellow Yellow is OK but its too easy to chug.
You could do what Honey Boo Boo does and mix pixie stix in red bull and chug that! Ha ha. (I take no responsibility for you actions after you drink that though) :P
Showing my age but… Red Bull – Eeewww. Think I’ll just turn in early :D
Ski is like a THING in my corner of Indiana for some reason. And Grippos, ha!