193 Tasting Notes
This week just keeps getting better….now my breville one touch teamaker is not working. The basket is not lowering during the tea cycle.
I am having a cup of this made using a t-sac. This tea is so comforting! I am out of the Regular Hot Cinn Spice and almost out of the decaf as well. I have to place an order but must wait to see how much the car is going to cost first!
I am going to call Breville as soon as possible!
Having a cup of this to calm my nerves! My luck got worse this week! I went to pick my children up after work yesterday and by the time I got to the daycare the car was making a horrible noise and smelling very hot. (I actually had thought it was the truck in front of me but when I turned off the main road I realized it was mine.) So this am we are having it towed to the garage and I am bracing myself for the repair bill!!!
This tea is nice though just needs a touch of valium LOL.
OH MY WHAT A DAY!!! My friend gave me a Copco tea travel mug and I decided to use it today. So I put some leaf in the infuser and sealed it to take to work figuring since I only work about 3 blocks away by the time I got there it would be steeped and ready to go. WELL, I didn’t mention that we had snow and icy roads this morning and I was debating on walking or driving to work but went with driving. However, I could not get my car out of my parking spot due to ice so my husband went out to get me out…. but somehow he locked my keys in the car while it was running! My precious travel mug was in the car steeping away. (Well past the 4 minutes I usually steep :) To shorten this story about an hour later and a locksmith bill of $65 I was back in my car and finally on my way to work. I sat at my desk and decided to try to see if the tea was still drinkable and was surprised! It was still yummy and warm. So all in all at least my tea wasn’t ruined!
Great tropical way to start a Monday morning! For a moment I pictured myself sitting on a nice warm beach…. then the blast of cold air woke me up as I got out of my car to head into the office.
I did use an extra teaspoon of leaf than the recommendation for this tea. It was just not strong enough for me. I also steep for 4 minutes.
I mixed the pouch just to make sure the mint had not settled… but I am not getting any mint flavor. Not sure why!?!? It is a great black tea and I can taste a sweetness to it (probably from the candy cane pieces). I think I will add some regular peppermint tea to it the next time I steep it to get the minty effect.
Sad day!!! I am actually crying… this is the last of my pouch :‘( I hope Frank’s peanut butter blend is coming soon! I am really going to miss this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I closed my eyes and took a sip of this without knowing it was tea I would think this is hot chocolate! This is really really good! I just ordered a free sample from the company (had to pay S&H charges of $4.95) which was a great way to try this tea. Although I think it is just a tad bit pricey because you are supposed to use 3 tsp per 8 oz. But for a special treat I could definitely see ordering a tin of this! It is super yummy!
I was a bit skeptical of this tea. I ordered a sample with my last Harney order. The smell of the dry leaf wasn’t very appealing to me BUT I steeped it this afternoon and was pleasantly surprised! This is good! I taste lemon predomintely but also a hint of caramel. Although I wouldn’t expect that combination to be tasty it is nice. Wow… I like this! Tastes much better than it smells!