Candy Cane

Tea type
Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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From 52teas

Our Candy Cane Tea is a blend of our premium Indian black teas, fresh cut peppermint, candy cane pieces, natural peppermint flavor and just a touch of natural vanilla flavor to smooth it out.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

12 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

This is a little unexpected, but in a very yummy way. What I expected was something more along the lines of a peppermint tea that has been jazzed up with a little bit of crushed candy cane. But, the vanilla adds a wonderful dimension to this tea that makes it more like a candy cane and less like a breath mint.

A very nice treat! I am glad that Frank found a few of these and added them to his inventory… because it is really YUM!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

anxiously awaiting my order of this! :)


Nice review this sounds good I wonder how this would compare to candy cane land by celestial seasonings?


I would LOVE to try this one! You know my LOVE of mint!!!


@silvermage2000 ~ I was going to say the same thing! Sounds maybe a bit more flavourful than the CS blend but I’m curious how they compare.

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1220 tasting notes

For the age of what this one probably is, it wasn’t bad. Something was just off for me in the way I think the candy cane combined with the black tea. It just made a weird aftertaste I guess. I think I am having a candy in tea off day.

I prefer the Adagio one that I have a giant bag of, so this one will also continue on its traveling tea box journey.

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6768 tasting notes

Upping just a tad…I located a bit more of this and enjoyed this cup more than my last :)

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193 tasting notes

This is not really as minty as I thought it would be. It is of course as always with 52Teas a good black tea, but I am just not getting any mint? The candy canes in the tea are super cute!


Try shaking the package next time you steep it, maybe the peppermint leaf has settled? I got mint with this tea, but it isn’t overwhelming.


thanks I will try that

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985 tasting notes

This was one of two that came from Frank’s Oops Week in March 2011.

I love this. I am not usually an Indian tea drinker, mostly because I have not tried many. I am guessing it is darjeeling, as I am such an Indian tea noob. The peppermint is light, which is perfect for me, and the hint of vanilla really rounds it out. The tea base is smooth. Very pleasant. I added a little sweeener to mine.

Kudos to Frank! And I just have to thank him for…well, being him, and doing what he does. He makes tea so fun!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I hope I end up with Candy Cane as one of my oops!


Oooooh, this sounds so tasty! Also, I’m very glad to know I’m not the only one who needs sweetener in her tea!


I gotta have it a little sweet…..I am trying to cut it back, though, slowly. Tea has been my replacement for sweets, and it is so working for me!

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4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: This might be the first tea in my collection I notice has a MUCH different flavor because it is way too old. I seem to be the one who liked it best on Steepster and in tasting notes people weren’t noticing much flavor years ago. I certainly wouldn’t give this tea a 91 rating now but technically this tea is almost five years old now. Dare I say I might throw out the remainder few teaspoons? I cringe at the thought. It’s even in a nice pouch! But the glory days of this one are over.

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431 tasting notes

I got this for my husband over the holidays as a stocking stuffer. He allowed me a taste and I for one am not a fan. The Candy Cane peppermint flavor really wasn’t pronounced enough for me. It was a bit bland but it was smooth.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Have to agree…I can not get a real strong pepermint or minty taste from this one.

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658 tasting notes

I’ve had this sample for quite a while and never got around to making it as I’m not into mint teas. But, I remembered I like mint teas with vanilla (when I opened this up it smelled a lot like DAVIDsTEA’s Santa’s Secret), and thought this might make a refreshing iced tea.

Apparently it did as my boyfriend drank the ENTIRE pitcher before I had a chance to taste it. Well, it looked and smelled good!

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34 tasting notes

Not bad, but not a favorite. I couldn’t really taste the mint, but it was a nice smooth, slightly sweet tea. I only have enough for one more cup and I think I might try adding some extra candy cane bits or something to bring the flavor out a bit more.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Thanks for the idea … I always end up with peppermint sticks that just end up in the trash. Now I can recycle!

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