I guess the lotus stamens or whatever used to be in this tea are no longer, because my baggie doesn’t appear to contain any at all :( Oh well. The tea probably still tastes the same, and it’s nice – spiced and fall-flavoured, though fairly light on flavour overall. It’s nice enough though, and with a 2-minute infusion, the base is kept pretty smooth.
I see I have a note that recommends I add maple syrup for even better flavour… sadly, I just had to dump mine, because it went moldy, probably because the container wasn’t sterilized properly when it was poured in. The hazards of buying syrup from random roadside vendors, I guess. My boyfriend had to dump over a litre of his too, for the same reason. (I had maybe 300mL left). Sigh.
Ugh that sucks about the syrup. It’s so expensive to buy too – I’d be so upset if I had to dump out that much.
I don’t think I meant lotus stamens (right, that’s Pistachio Ice Cream) but there was definitely something orange and fluffy in this previously, which I remember from the samples I got as well as the bag Raritea and Indigobloom split quite a while back (we had to shake it up to make sure they each got equal amounts). Maybe it was the pumpkin?? Actually, looking at the tea image – my tea doesn’t even look quite right (I dumped it all out into a bowl) – there’s nothing orange. No pumpkin??
Oh, sounds like the dried pumpkin might have not made it much into your bag. Oh no. That’s odd, really odd.
I wasn’t sure if it was a cosmetic ingredient that maybe you had run out of (I know the Strawberry oolong used to have teensy little flowerbuds in it, which ceased to be present in my mom’s last 2 oz.), but given the ingredient list, presumably it’s the pumpkin. [I sent you a picture of my tea on Facebook] :)
ok, I’ll check it out. We never stopped adding the pumpkin. The only thing I can think is that maybe you got the very top of the tin and the pumpkin flakes had fallen a bit. I’ll see what you posted on Facebook. I could always refund that tea for you.
In response to the maple syrup – yeah, I don’t think syrup itself goes moldy without being… infected, but where I was seeing mold was on the inside of where the lid was, and a bit in the handle (it was a mini milk-jug container). I’m well-versed in sterile technique, and am very good at not contaminating things myself – so I know it wasn’t my fault, especially given the mold in the handle as well. Sigh. And then there was cloudy stringiness in the syrup as well… and the aroma from the bottle smelled kind of like acetone. Exact same thing with my boyfriend’s. We threw out probably $20 worth of syrup. Next time, we’ll probably freeze portions, or buy from a bit more reputable place. Heh.
Ugh that sucks about the syrup. It’s so expensive to buy too – I’d be so upset if I had to dump out that much.
That is disappointing. Good syrup is expensive but worth it.
Geez, I never thought that it could even go moldy, but lack of sterilization makes sense.
Hmmm, we never used lotus stamens in this tea. Maybe you are thinking of Pistachio Ice Cream?
I don’t think I meant lotus stamens (right, that’s Pistachio Ice Cream) but there was definitely something orange and fluffy in this previously, which I remember from the samples I got as well as the bag Raritea and Indigobloom split quite a while back (we had to shake it up to make sure they each got equal amounts). Maybe it was the pumpkin?? Actually, looking at the tea image – my tea doesn’t even look quite right (I dumped it all out into a bowl) – there’s nothing orange. No pumpkin??
Oh, sounds like the dried pumpkin might have not made it much into your bag. Oh no. That’s odd, really odd.
I wasn’t sure if it was a cosmetic ingredient that maybe you had run out of (I know the Strawberry oolong used to have teensy little flowerbuds in it, which ceased to be present in my mom’s last 2 oz.), but given the ingredient list, presumably it’s the pumpkin. [I sent you a picture of my tea on Facebook] :)
ok, I’ll check it out. We never stopped adding the pumpkin. The only thing I can think is that maybe you got the very top of the tin and the pumpkin flakes had fallen a bit. I’ll see what you posted on Facebook. I could always refund that tea for you.
In response to the maple syrup – yeah, I don’t think syrup itself goes moldy without being… infected, but where I was seeing mold was on the inside of where the lid was, and a bit in the handle (it was a mini milk-jug container). I’m well-versed in sterile technique, and am very good at not contaminating things myself – so I know it wasn’t my fault, especially given the mold in the handle as well. Sigh. And then there was cloudy stringiness in the syrup as well… and the aroma from the bottle smelled kind of like acetone. Exact same thing with my boyfriend’s. We threw out probably $20 worth of syrup. Next time, we’ll probably freeze portions, or buy from a bit more reputable place. Heh.