Some more backloggin. I decided to try this since cavocorax and I (possibly along with variaTea) will be placing a group order with adagio, and I figured I’d better start trying some of the samples that steepsterites have so thoughtfully shared with me. This one comes to me via shadowfall, so thank you!
I was really intrigued by this blend. Not necessarily because I’m an Austin fan (I’ve only read one of her books), but because the combination of flavours seemed to be fail-safe. Blackberries, cream, black tea? Sadly, I didn’t pick up on much in the way of berries either in the scent or the brew, even after I added my requisite milk and sugar. Keep in mind though that I tried this tea while my taste buds were a mess and my throat was living in the pits of hell, so that might have affected my ability to pick up on much. Mr. Keychange had a sip though and also couldn’t pick up on much in the way of berries. I’m going to try it again though, hopefully under better conditions. It really did taste just fine as a black tea; I just didn’t get much more out of it than that.
I haven’t, actually. I think this was my second, the other being the valentine’s tea which I found to be more flavourful but still not to my liking (more so because I don’t like chocolate-covered strawberry flavoured things)
Have you had many Adagio teas? They can be a bit weaker than other teas…
I haven’t, actually. I think this was my second, the other being the valentine’s tea which I found to be more flavourful but still not to my liking (more so because I don’t like chocolate-covered strawberry flavoured things)
Hmmm… I should probably send you some samples before we do an order so you have an idea what you’re getting into!