Thank you Cameron B. :D
I put this in my daily sipper, and let it sit for a long time as I worked. Was worried that due to the long time steeping, it would be bitter. Nope, just a nice flavorful and smooth bergamot tea. Cameron gave me two sachets so I look forward to having this again. :D
I am new to Harney & Sons. I do have their Paris plus 2 samples they sent with the order. I bought a stump teapot hehe. Anyway, back to the tea. The white tea is a very nice base for the bergamot. Reading the mixed reviews, I can understand its not your typical Earl Grey. It’s satisfying, bold and smooth with a delicate vegetal taste from the base, and a natural citrus flavor from the bergamot. No sharpness, and it’s very comforting too. I really like it. I particularly liked that it wasn’t perfumey.Flavors: Bergamot, Citrusy, Smooth, Vegetal