Day 6 of the advent calendar.
I am not following along very well, it seems. Also, I am kind of picking and choosing my way through it for whatever reason.
What a gorgeous tea. I have had a few of their citrus ones and its enough for me to see that they do this flavor well. The scent of the dry leaf in particular with this one smacks of bergamot – I was assuming it was an Earl Grey, in fact, until I tasted it and got mostly orange. I am also assuming there is some Ceylon in the base as that has particularly bright citrus characteristics to me and the base is working VERY well with the flavoring.
I’m having trouble remembering why I ever needed to drink any tea with milk and sugar. It seems like all teas should stand on their own as well as DF teas do. All teas should be this smooth and unfussy to make, as well.
I’m so glad someone posted this advent calendar in our forums…it’s made my holiday season so far!
=0) DF converted me too; no milk or sugar anymore….. off to bed now. maybe i’ll dream of ‘jardin bleu’. have you had that one? goodnight…..