I decided to make this b/c I didn’t want to fuss w temp and add-ins. Did notice that the coconut shavings had settled to bottom of bag so I stirred the mix up a bit before spooning it out. I brewed a scant 2 tsp in 16oz water for 8 min (filled the IngenuiTEA to the brim!)
Then I added a splash of organic half&half after all since I had it on hand (bought specifically for tea.
I’m moving this rating closer the the lip-licking smiley face because that’s how I feel about this blend. The touch of cream made it taste just like a blended pina colada, only hot!
8 min or more
16oz? Wow, you really musta been craving this!=D
yup, and I drank it all and enjoyed every drop!
I’m sorry…whenever I hear/read “honeybush”…well, I have to confess that my mind dives into the gutter. Not sure I can ever buy or order a tea with that word in it. My husband would have a field day! :-)