336 Tasting Notes
My mouth is slightly tingling from the spicy peppers I just had. I drizzled them with a tiny bit of rosemary sencha tea oil http://market.bonteavant.com/rosemary-sencha-tea-oil-AretteRosemarySenchaOil.htm which I got thanks to the promotion here. “Rosemary sencha tea oil” sounds so fancy and evokes so many images in my mind. It tastes really good and you need just a tiny bit. Finishing it all of with some jasmine tea which seems just a perfect match.
I tried the garlic oil too, very nice. I’m happy with the purchase. If not for the Steepster I doubt I would have even known that there is such a thing as tea oil.
Just had a nice, fresh pasta from the farmers market + maitake mushrooms finished with a cup of Jasmine #9.
I’m quite addicted to jasmine teas. I think it’s just the perfect after dinner tea and I like the smell too. Very uplifting.
Update on the tea related design. These will be available for free to download and print on a t-shirt, tote bag, hoodie or whatever. This is a preview:
On a dark background:
On a light background (where you could print it on any light color surface. Ex. light green, tan or whatever you like)
And black and white:
I have run out of almost everything … Then I found a little bit of Keemun Rhapsody in the back of my tea shelf. I have always enjoyed Keemun – it’s moderately smokey, rich and dark and smooth. Perfect for the afternoon.
Made some tea related design work. I’m not done with it yet. I hope to finalize it next week. It will be available for people to download to be printed on a t-shirt, tote bag or a hoodie.
Here’s the preview:
Had this today in SoHo: http://matchasource.wordpress.com/
with the raspberry matcha tart. The tea was prepared right in front of me by a cute looking guy. I feel SO caffeinated! The tart was …. well, suffice to say that I could eat it every day.
Too bad tomorrow is the last day this will be available.
I took a half day off so yes, this indeed was great! I don’t know why but when somebody else prepares food/tea for you it tastes better!
Eh… tea not so much- I’m UBBER anal about my steeping parameters lol. Matcha prepared by someone else is good though.
lol yeah specifically quality control. I like my tea to be the best it can be- and I tried really hard to not make it rhyme, but I’m sick and I couldn’t think of another way to phrase it lol.
Slowly sipping and trying to picture the Phoenix Mountain, China where it grows. Then I just googled it http://Scenery.cultural-china.com/en/109Scenery2859.html and yes that’s exactly how I imagined it :)
It’s malty, and fairly dark (which I like) and indeed I can taste some hints of honey.
Interview with the farmer: http://www.adagio.com/roots_campaign/pan_hui_huang.html?SID=4479b90a72dfa50bd67c2576cf0fcbce
I hope you’ll like it. I have to admit that the interview with the farmer was so cute that I immediately decided that I must try this one!
The leaves have a distinctly unique look. Smell: it’s downright wonderful, I could sniff it non stop like some kind of toxcio-maniac. The taste is smooth and buttery, sweet, chocolaty with some hints of tobacco.
Comparing to Yunnan Gold: Yunnan Gold is one of the very few teas I did not like. So much so that I could not even finish the cup. Golden Curls, on the other hand, is one of my all time favorites.
Just had 2 large cups of Wuyi plus some pastries while watching my compatriot Ernests Gulbis play Roger Federer = good entertainment. I’m trying to figure out the smell of this tea – I think it smells like brandy, earth, dried apples.
Mmmm. This sounds right up my alley!
In the end it’s not even that expensive because it lasts so much longer.