336 Tasting Notes
It is official: tea disappears in our household at an alarming rate. I got a neat little package from 52teas and I’m trying Jasmine Grey right now. It smells like bubble gum or gummy bears … ah the simple pleasures of childhood. The taste is really pleasant: not overly sweet, with some underlying citrus tartness which I really like. Most of the time I drink unflavored teas but I’m not a tea purist so I do enjoy flavors as well and this is definitely enjoyable.
Here goes the last bit of Spring Darjeeling. I like this enough to reorder. Furthermore, I will probably order Darjeeling Sungma Summer as well. There are certain names that to me sound fascinating and “Dar-jee-ling” is one of them. I just like repeating it as the sound of it is beautiful. Or “Coconut Pouchong” – it’s bouncy and fun.
I look into my glass cup – only a few sips left. I will enjoy them as much as I can.
So many teas, so little time … I mentally examine the contents of my cupboard and yet again am drawn to Anhui Keemun. I never measure anything, just eyeball so sometimes my tea comes out great and sometimes not so much.
Tonight it perhaps could have been stronger but still very enjoyable.
“so sometimes my tea comes out great and sometimes not so much” …That’s exactly why I’m so anal about steeping parameters. Some people can wing things (tea, cooking, baking, etc) and always get good results. I am horrible at it lol.
After 5 cups (and I don’t mean smallish Asian style cups) of Anhui Keemun today is there room for more tea? Sure, there is: sipping the second steep of Spring Darjeeling and it does not disappoint. It’s fresh and smooth, slightly vegetal. Quite delightful.
Just ordered Apple Matcha and Jasmine Grey from 52teas – looking forward to try those.
Browsing and sipping the third steep of Anhui Keemun to postpone writing client e-mails. I like that the smokiness is definitely there but it doesn’t smell or taste like smoked meat water or bacon infused tea. It’s just dark, smooth and smokey in the right kind of way.
I’m in awe of this tea. It’s smells like dark leather, horses, tobacco. It’s buttery smooth, sexy, strong. The difference between this tea and cheaper teas in my opinion is that you need just a tiny bit for a strong cup of tea and you can do multiple infusions and every time it will taste good.
I know that the price might seem discouraging but the tea leaves are tiny and you really need so little for a good cup of tea that this in fact is a fair deal because the tea will last for a long time. Besides, you can’t put a price on a satisfaction or well being or mood uplifted :)
Okay, that made me go and look at the price and it is expensive. But I’ve spent almost that much on a much smaller amount of tea before so price won’t stop me (though perhaps my husband would appreciate it if it did). Though I may get a sample first just to make sure I love it! :)
Ha, ha … I would also like to mention that I’ve been drinking this tea for quite some time and I don’t get “tired” of it. I’m alway in the mood for more.
Just thought I’d share – my Adagio came yesterday. You know, the order you forced me make when you posted this log? Yeah, that one. ;)
Slowly sipping this slightly tart green tea. It’s a nice kind of tartness though, not too overwhelming. The tea is luke warm which works out pretty well this hot and sticky evening.
Created a new signature blend AMERICANA http://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=13675&SID=43bf99bfa843428f1510b5151281c673
I remember the first time I came to the US as a tourist (which was quite a while ago) I noticed an ad that said: “Europen quality”. At the time that seemed so funny to me: are they assuming that American quality is not good enough? Anyway, this blend is a little/tiny tribute to fine American quality :)
My daughter thought this tea smells like rain water, my husband said it smells a little bit like chocolate and I thought it smells like hay/grass/ grains/barley. The leaves look beautiful: dark and twisted. Taste: nutty/grainy/hearty. Turns out I like Wuyi teas…
Leaving for vacation tomorrow, will be completely unplugged for a week but I will take some tea with me, that’s for sure.