294 Tasting Notes


Lewis and Clarke TTB

Ok, so after the last surprisingly weak tea, I decided to try another green oolong from Green Terrace Teas to see if it was just a fluke. This time I also increased the steepings.

I did 2 10 second rinses, and 15,15,30,30,60,60 4g 4oz

The first two steeps were stronger than the last tea. Nice butter aroma, but not much in the front and mid sip, and then some floral and astringency at the end of the sip.

I caved and added sweetener. I don’t usually sweeten straight greens or oolongs. It does enhance the flavors a bit. I’m getting some cream and butter and some floral and mineral notes. I didn’t really notice any astringency, but I’m not sure if that was masked by the sweetener or what.

I did something silly. I wasn’t paying attention and added water to the cup holding the fifth and sixth steeps, maybe about 4oz. I was spacing and poured it into the cup instead of the pot. As such I’m not getting much from this. Some very subtle butter and floral notes.

This seems to suit me better than the last one did. I’m getting a lot of buttery notes from it, which I prefer over floral, which is a plus.

4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

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Lewis and Clarke TTB

Decided to try this, even though I’m not usually into floral notes in a tea.

I did a 10 second rinse, and then 5,10,15,20,35,50 3g ~4oz water.

The first two steeping are sort of weak. A touch of floral and a touch of butter.

Third and forth steepings are also on the weak side. I’m also noticing a slight astringency.

Fifth through seventh steeping are a little stroger but still really light. A but more buttery floral. But also more astringency. Borderline unpleasant.

I’m really surprised by the lack of flavor I’m getting here. Strange.


Sounds like a temperature issue


I got flavor from mine, a nice flavor. I did mine at I wanna say 195 maybe, with 30 seconds as my first infusion??

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drank Ocean Breeze by RiverTea
294 tasting notes

Lewis and Clarke

So I went to my dad’s today. I ended up having day old pizza for lunch, and Italian takeout for dinner. I think all the heavy food after eating pretty much nothing but oatmeal isn’t sitting well, and my tummy isn’t feeling good. I saw this and thought, hey it’s got ginger, maybe it’ll settle my tumtum.

This isn’t bad. Lemony and gingery. Not my favorite, but it’s still nice and it seems to be helping my stomach.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon, Lime

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

That sounds like pretty heavy food in general! Now is the time for sencha! :P

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Lewis and Clarke

This tea is so pretty. Lazy curls of golden fuzzy buds.
First steep (60s) this a sweet potato drizzled with honey. So much honey sweet potato it’s crazy.
Second and third steeps are sweet potato and honey and raisins and malt.
Forth steep I forgot about while it was steeping, but I didn’t notice any bitterness and only a very mild astringency at the back of my throat. But not in an unpleasant one.

This can probably keep going, I’ll try some more with it later.
Product page:

Flavors: Honey, Malt, Raisins, Sweet Potatoes

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Sounds yummy!

I forgot to mention that YS had requested that we link to the product pages in our tasting notes. If you don’t mind editing this link into the end of your note, that would be really nice. http://yunnansourcing.com/en/yunnan-black-teas/2875-jinggu-golden-strand-pure-bud-yunnan-black-tea-spring-2014.html

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Lewis and Clarke TTB

So excited to finally get to try this.
First steep is light and sweet, honey, nectar, bread, and caramel, silky smooth mouth feel.

The second steep starts to get a bit darker. Honey, bread, caramel, but now there’s also raisins and a touch of cocoa hiding at the edges. I accidentally forgot this one and left it steeping for 10 minutes with no bitterness or astringency.

Wow honey. The third steep is like pure honey and nectar. I’m at my dad’s and using his microwave to heat the water so it’s probably only ~185F. But it’s still delicious.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

Ooooh now I’m excited! :D So many good teas in here that I want to try.


It’s like Christmas! I think I wept while pulling the teas out.

Cameron B.

Can’t wait… Don’t steal all the goods! :P


One of things I’m most looking forward to when I receive the box is getting a change to try Whispering Pines teas.

Cameron B.

Kiwi, I’ll be sure to add some from my stash too. I have several from them. :)


KiwiDelight, is there something from them you’re really looking for? I am sending a package out to you already. I could include some of those that I have….


Oh no Cameron and Cheri, you guys don’t have to do that. I’m more than ok with what’ll be in the box ^^;

Cameron B.

Kiwi, well I assume we’re supposed to replace the tea we drink anyway, so I might as well add something that you’ll like to try. :D


That would be great! :D Whispering Pines is on my “must buy from” list and my hiatus is such a painnnnnnnn

Lariel of Lórien

I really want to try this one.


Kiwi-The only WP in the box is this one. But I think between Cheri Cameron and I we should be able to contribute a nice selection for you (:


I’m next, so if there’s something you like to see in the box that’s in my cupboard, let me know!

Cameron B.

Cheri, I wouldn’t mind trying Cocoa Amore, but it’s a pretty expensive tea so I understand if you don’t want to spare it. :P


I’ll slip a little bit in. One ounce of this one doesn’t seem to go as far as I wish it did…..

Cameron B.

Don’t worry about it then! My ounce of Golden Orchid is the same way… Where did it go? XD


If you guys have everything WP has that would be perfect.

Joking aside, y’all are great :P <3

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Lewis and Clarke TTB

When I placed my order with Tea at Sea, this was on of the only teas I didn’t get, so I figured I’d give it a shot when I saw it in the box since I love black teas now.

The first steep is sweet, with notes of honey, molasses, raisins, and something a little manly, cedar?
For the second steep I added a minute to the time. This time there’s some malt, and a slight smokiness in the background.
Added another minute for the third steep. This one is a little less sweet than the first and second, with more malt, cedar and smoke notes than before.

So, I guess I was just tired from how busy I’ve been lately (I’ve barely been home the last few days, which is why I haven’t been posting much), because I passed out on the couch at around 8:30, right after posting my last tasting note. I usually am up until about 3-4 in the morning.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Manly tea! Marco Polo didn’t have this one, we have Noir Black.

Cameron B.

Yum, can’t wait to try this one. :D


Marzipan- I think it’s the same thing. I was looking at the two, they smell and look exactly the same. And the tag on the Noir/Black says it’s from Indonesia. I think that it’s just the original packaging from when they only had one black green and oolong.


Marzipan, they’re the same.

Tea At Sea

Are you guys referring to BAH BUTONG, BOP from Mariage Frères?

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drank Laoshan Genmaicha by Verdant Tea
294 tasting notes

Lewis and Clarke TTB

Ok so I know I just said I’m staying away from greens for the time being, but I wanted to know what the Laoshan Green would taste like hot, and since this is made with the Laoshan Green I decided to give it try. This mostly savory, but there’s a hint of sweetness there, and I keep thinking for a second that I had sweetened this, and then remembering I didn’t. There’s the green beans, smooth an buttery in a way I didn’t notice in the cold brew, and also some roasty nutty, mise with the toasty notes. This is pretty good, and once I get out of my green tea funk I can see myself ordering this.

Flavors: Butter, Green Beans, Nutty, Roasted, Toasty, Vegetal

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Spring Laoshan Green by Verdant Tea
294 tasting notes

Lewis and Clarke TTB

We had some friends in town, and they wanted to go to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter today. So, that meant I had about 10 seconds to choose a tea to cold brew and drink grandpa style while at the parks. I was trying to take a break from greens, as I’m growing tired of them, but this was on top, ad seemed like a good candidate for what I needed.

This is sort of roasty, nutty, and on the dark end of the vegetal spectrum with notes of green beans and lima beans. There’s also a bit of water chestnut. Not bad, but if I had more time to pick, I would have chosen something on the lighter end of the vegetal spect I because I prefer them cold and the darker ones hot.

Flavors: Chestnut, Green Beans, Lima Beans, Nutty, Vegetal

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
294 tasting notes

Lewis and Clarke TTB

When I saw this in the box, I squealed in excitement (which caused my bf to call me tea crazy). I’ve been wanting to try this for awhile. The dry leaf smells so much like cocoa powder, it’s insane. There’s also a touch of that roasted peanut smell.

I used ~5g for 8oz 200F for 5,20,30,45 seconds. The first cup tasted like honey, with a touch of caramel. Second cup is similar, but with a strong cocoa note hitting the back of your tongue at the end of the sip.

Third steep, a nice dark bread like note appears. It’s dark bread slathered in honey and a heavy dusting of cocoa powder. Sinfully delicious. The forth loses some of the honey and gets some grainy (barley?) notes at the front of the sip.

It’s not often that I finish my cup of tea while it’s still piping hot, but I just couldn’t wait for the cup to cool. I need to get this!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

I’m so excited to get this box next. It sounds amazing.

Cameron B.

Yum, can’t wait! Is it a lot of small samples or are they bigger?


I had a feeling your boyfriend would make a comment on the box. hehe.

@Cameron The Verdant samples are individually sized, as are a lot of the other companies. Some companies in the box (like Yunnan Sourcing and Whispering Pines) have larger pouches to be shared.


The whispering pines is a big bag full of individual sample sized baggies (:
And yes, he did but he pretty much accepts it. And I think he secretly thinks the idea is cool. He’s told a couple of his friends about it, haha.


lol that’s funny. The idea for this TTB specifically or just drinking tea in general? :P


He tells everyone I’m addicted to tea, but he’s told a few of his friends about TTB “she takes she wants and but in her own tea and then sends it to the next person”.


My spouse is the same way. He tells people about the tea thing, and the tea boxes and my swaps and he teases me when I don’t get tea in the mail.

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drank Vanilla Comoro by Harney & Sons
294 tasting notes

I didnt drink so much as eat this tonight. I’m currently on the broke girl diet, aka the “I don’t have any food in my house and cant afford to go grocery shopping so it looks like I’l be eating old fashion oatmeal for every meal” diet. Since I’ll be eating at least 2/3 of my meals, I’m trying to proactively keep myself from getting sick of it. Which is what caused me to use this tea in place of water for my oatmeal. I also had cocoa powder in it so it masked some of the flavor, but it did seem to taste more creamy vanilla-y. I’ll definitely have to experiment some more though (:

carol who

Great idea to change it up :-)


I’ll be hoping you have some amazing bowls of oatmeal! Tea is definitely really useful to change the flavor! I’ve done that before. :D


Mandy, I sympathise. I remember when my roommates and I used to not eat until nine so we could take advantage of cheap Chinese after bar food. They would fill up a take out container with one item for a dollar. Our other budget choices were the pizzeria that used to feed us for free if we scared away the racists that used to harass him, and of we splurged late night $10.00 hors d’oeuvres at a local fancy restaurant. Hope you get grocery money soon.


Things I like to add to oatmeal:
-egg (like a soft boiled egg on top)
-dried fruit
-caramelized onion

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