294 Tasting Notes

drank Masala Chai by Adagio Teas
294 tasting notes

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Woah! I don’t know what happened but I must have done something wrong! I used 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup milk and let simmer for a bit, strained, sweetened, took a sip, and nearly choked. I love chai, but this was a whole other level. I’m convinced I either oversteeped, over leafed, or both, because this felt like what I imagine doing the cinnamon challenge is like. So so drying and bitter and not at all like the delicious spicy chai latte it should have been.
I’m not blaming you, poor innocent chai, I believe you are the victim here, I believe that this is not what you are, I believe that you acted like this because something I did to you.

2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This was a very, uh, interesting tea. My mouth couldn’t really understand what was going on, there was cocoa notes with flowery, fruity notes with with minty. Too much contrasting going on for my taste. Love the name though.

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drank Wuyishan Black by Steepster
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Strangely. I found this to be much more smokey than the Golden Yunnan I tried from In Pursuit of Tea, even though everyone seemed to find that too tobacco-y. Wasn’t really a fan, much too smokey for me apparently. I did end up adding extra sweetener and liked it better that way, but it’s not something I would ever buy.


I am further convinced we have opposites tastebuds. :D This one was nice and smooth to me. The Yunnan was eugh.


The good thing is if one of us ever has a tea we don’t like, the other will probably like it and want to swap, haha


Haha yes! When I go BLEH I’ll have to send it to you and see if you love it haha :D

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
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Don’t hate me for this Arshness haha
i’m starting to think that unless its in with chocolate, I don’t like minty teas. And I’m not a huge chamomile fan. The funny thing is I like CS Sleepytime vanilla, which has all the same notes as this pretty much. I’m guessing its just the ratio. But I was not a fan of this. I ended up adding a big splash of coffee creamer (Almond Joy), which then maked it this enjoyable, but with just sugar, not so much.

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Adagio Teas
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Being gone for a week means that when I get back we have no groceries. I’m pretty sure my boyfriend would eat fast food for every meal if I wasn’t there to insist on grocery shopping. When I saw this I knew I had to try it with milk, so I took a serving out of the box and waited till grocery day.
I put one tsp, 1/2 cup of water, and 1/2 cup of milk in a pot and simmered it for a bit, strained and sweetened and.. holy yum. Just what I was looking for, I don’t know if it’s the milk but I actually taste pumpkin. Not just pumpkin spices, but actual pumpkin. Seeing all the not so positive reviews of this, I’m glad I tried my sample the way I did, because its a real treat. Wish I would have gotten to try this before sending the box out, because I would have kept some, or all (;
Ah well, now its just something to add to my future first order from Adagio. Now all I have to do is find the email they sent me for $5 off, or I can just get one from Arshness and help a steepsta out (;

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

9332730212 <<< Good for 24 hours. If you need it again after that just tell me.

BUT! If you want, I have a whole tin of the Pumpkin Spice and I hated it, so maybe a swap is in order? :)


I won’t be placing an order yet, but I’ll come to you right before I do (;
And I’d love to swap. Something of mine I think you’ll like is Zen Tea’s Puerh Vanilla Mint I remember seeing you say somewhere (boy that sounds stalkerish) that you really liked a puerh you tried and wanted to try more, plus it’s minty and vanillay. And I’m not a big fan which is a good sign right? (; but you’re welcome to pretty much anything else in my cupboard!


Oooh that sounds like win to me. :) I’d be happy to trade that.
The Pumpkin is a little tin, probably about 3-4 ounces of tea. Just to be sure I’m giving you enough in exchange for what you’re sending. It has cute tin so you should like it. Adagio’s tins are good. :)
I’ll ship it to you then!
And lol You can stalk me! haha :D Stalker tea friends are best <3


It’s only 50grams! Anything else you want me to add as well?


You can send a few random samples if you want. :P
I have no idea which things you like or don’t like in your cupboard since I can’t click straight to your tasting notes there but I’ll try anything once. I don’t like Rooibos, whites and greens much, but black teas, spice and herbals are all good. :)

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drank Chamomile by Adagio Teas
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Continuing on with my taste comparison, this tea also tastes like celery, but with something else. I don’t know what, but once again odd.
I now added honey, but added to much considering theres only about 1/4 of a cup in my cup so it just tastes like honey. Ah well, better than celery.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

Okay that is really, really strange! I the Adagio kind is Egyptian and it is far sweeter than the German by comparison.
I have never heard anyone register Chamomile as celery before… Are you sure it’s not a contamination of your water or teaware?
Just… odd.


I mean it’s possible, but I used the same stuff I always do and nothing before or after tasted like celery lol. I found it really weird that I tasted something so far from what everyone else tastes but they both tasted like it, idk it was the darnest thing.


I am fascinated by how different your tastes are from mine. :) It’s really interesting. Chamomile is like sweet butter to me.

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drank German Chamomile by Frontier
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So even though I’ve had chamomile in teas before, especially this last couple of days trying out all these teas, I have no idea what chamomile tastes like. Since Arshness included both this and Egyptian Chamomile from Adagio I decided to do a little taste off. This tastes like celery water to me, if that’s even a thing. Like if you were to make a broth of nothing but celery. Odd.

Flavors: Celery

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec

hahaha… mmmm, liquid celery xD….


Throw a few more spices in there, add some salt and I got a nice light snack haha


That …. is strange. Very strange. It tends to taste “buttery”. Chamomile is like that. But celery? I can’t say I’ve ever thought of it as tasting like celery.

Did you sweeten it? A bit of honey does the trick with it for me. :)


I thought it was strange, especially after reading others tasting notes on the adagio chamomile and seeing everyone say it tastes like honey and other things that arent celery. I added honey to the adagio one, but added too much and it just made the whole 3 oz taste like straight honey. And I never noticed a celery taste in any teas I’ve had with chamomile in it. The whole thing was just weird.


Yeah. o_o I’d wonder if it’s my stash, but mine still doesn’t taste of celery to me haha.
I mean my tea cupboard is full of tea and it smells amazing so maybe cross-contamination of smells since I haven’t gotten fully sealed tins yet… but… mine still tastes good to me haha so I have no idea. Then you said you don’t like my Foxtrot so I think you’re just weird ;) Haha


I’ve never had my taste buds be so far off before it’s strange haha

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After reading the description and smelling the tea, I knew I was going to like it. As such, I decided to try yyz steeping parameters, my first time trying the little water short steeping method (what is that style called again?), hoping for a more sort of special process.
1 tsp, 4 oz water, 185 degrees, 45 seconds
Boy oh boy is this good. One of the few teas I’ve ever had that I feel absolutely no desire to add anything to (I think theres been 2, maybe 3 so far). Sort of vegetal, sort of nutty, with a very pleasant mouth feel, almost buttery. I enjoyed rolling the tea around in my mouth and just savoring the flavor.
60 sec steeping
Still delicious and nutty and vegetal, and buttery.
80 sec steeping
More nutty, less vegetal, and I’m getting notes of something fruity. I’m also so of noticing a pleasent sort metallic or maybe mineral sort of taste at the end of the sip. I feel like I’m getting better at detecting notes that aren’t specific added flavors (;
100 sec steeping
Oddly this steeping I noticed more vegetal and less nutty. Still buttery texture. The end of the sip this time is super fresh almost like the feeling of jumping into water, if that makes any since. It’s also more minerally. This steeping really reminds me of the ocean for some reason. I don’t taste seaweed exactly, but it tastes like how swimming in the ocean feels, kind of. I don’t know.
I notice that when I write my tasting notes as I sip, instead of right after I finish, they sound crazier, and make me sound really amateurish, haha. Either way I really enjoyed this tea, and I’m going to have to order more!

Flavors: Butter, Fruity, Mineral, Nutty, Vegetal

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

I’m glad you enjoyed it! The brewing method is called Gongfu.
I brew pretty well all my greens this way, even when brewing western style. For some reason 45s seems to be enough to draw out the flavour and prevent bitterness.


See I got it. Your taste buds are opposite of mine haha.
You think Chamomile tastes like celery and you LIKED this one haha :)

This one tasted like… seaweed to me >_<


Haha you got that right! I tried foxtrot last night and jut was not impressed, sorry to say haha. I still have to backlog it


Buuuhhh You don’t love mah favorite >_<
I just can’t believe how far your tastes and mine differ haha.

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drank Rooibos Lemon Cloud by Adagio Teas
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When I first brewed this up and poured over ice I was a little let down, pretty much just straight woodsy. But after sweetening it up a bit more, yummy! I guess I really like creamy lemony teas, I never would have guessed. First Butiki Tea’s Good Morning Sunshine, and now this. Lemony without being tart, creamy and when sweetened, just the right amount of woodsy. This is perfect for when I want a dessert tea that’s still refreshing. I’m definitely a fan. I think I’ll be keeping this, sorry guys (;

Flavors: Cream, Lemon, Wood

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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drank Decaf Apricot by Adagio Teas
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Another tea that I understeeped. Dang, I’m off my game today. I could taste the apricot more in this one than I could taste the orange in the decaf orange so thats a plus. I’m discovering I’m not a big apricot tea fan though so this one gets a pass from me though.

Boiling 1 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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