294 Tasting Notes
So I started a session with this one last night. And again the first thing I smelled on both the dry and wet leaf was pond water. I steeped this one up for the 30 seconds and holy darkness. For some reason I was expecting this one to be light. But it’s was almost black.
The liquor smelled just like the wet leaf, pond water, something I don’t remember Special Dark’s liquor smelling like. I’m thinking I definitely should have rinsed this. That first cup tasted similar to how it smelled, like pond water and mud. I ended up dumping half the cup. The next steep was a little better. Less pond and mud taste (I guess earthy in a wet way). Now I’m starting to get other notes, there’s a slight sweetness, and something not quite earthy but I’m not sure what it is.
The third steep, most of the pond scum smell and taste was completely gone and for the next three steeps the flavor continued to mellow and mingle and confuse but please my taste buds. My tongue is not refined enough to pick out flavors, but once I hit the third steeping I ha begun to relax into this puerh. It started to feel safe, like it was trying to show me a preview of could come if I continue down the rabbit hole that is puerh. Now I really think that a good rinse or maybe two would have eliminated those first two awkward cups and put me right into this sweet spot to begin with.
The 6th or 7th steep seemed a little bit weaker, and since by this point it was nearly 2am I decided to cold steep the last steep overnight. I strained and tried it first thing this morning, and detected a surprising note that I really wasn’t expecting and don’t know where it came from: grapes. This cold steeped and lightly sweetened taste like grapes and a tinge if cocoa, some of that almost earthiness, and I want to say browned sugar. The other notes were there in the hot cups but just seem more identifiable this time. But I don’t remember grapes last night, yet there they are this morning.
I still find it so amazing that a straight tea can have so many different notes, without adding any flavors.
This really does taste like frosting, or a glaze. It’s got that distinct powdered sugar taste, mingled with a sweet creamy vanilla. I can sort of taste a fluffy marshmallowness to it as well, which in assuming is coming from the marshmallow leaf. There’s also a cake batter like taste and mouth feel to it, though it’s less prominent than the icing taste.
A few people mention that this is very thin, but I’m actually surprised by how almost heavy this is considering it’s pretty much all petals ad flavors. And I was also able to get two steeps out of it, one 5 minute and a 10 minute resteep. I can definitely see myself reaching more this when I have a late night sweet tooth!
This was the more approachable of the two oolongs I received, so I saved it for last. This is very interesting. I decided to ice it after I steeped it so it was a tad watered down, but still good.
When I think of ginger I think of the ginger salads you get as starters at sushi restaurants. I love those house ginger dressings, always so much better than anything I’ve tried in store.
So naturally that’s what this tea reminded me of. I can totally see this being served along side the starter at sushi restaurants. The rose and the ginger meld so perfectly together, a combination I would have never thought of. Light and florally with a little spice of ginger to add a depth that you weren’t expect. Now I really want ginger house salad.
So I decided to try this iced, I wasn’t to sure about floral and cold, but something was telling me give it a try.
This is so delicious and refreshing. Instead of tasting like I was drinking perfume like I feared, this actually just tasted like sitting on the porch on a hot spring day next to the fragrant jasmine flowers that are intertwined along the porch railing and climbing their way up the wire arches. You’re drinking an ice cold green tea, and the jasmines smell so strong you can almost swear you can taste them in your tea. And you love it, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect place. And that’s what this taste like. Cool and flowery and slightly sweet and just fresh. Even in the dead of night I can almost feel a warm breeze. I need a big pitcher of this cold in my fridge for the hot Florida days.
The second steeping is just as bright and floral as the first and the leaves are still so fragrant there’s no doubt in my mind that I could get at least one or two more good cups out of this.
After spending all day with Mandala Special Dark, I wanted to transition to something creamy but fruity. This seemed like it would fit the bill.
This tea smells like what I imagine buttermilk smells like, but with a dash of vanilla. This is definitely a creamy tea. Taking a sip, I first and foremost taste vanilla cream. Then I get a sort of buttery taste. At the end of the sip I can almost believe I detect a citrus note. With a name like Mandarin Cream I was expecting something similar to like an orange creamsicle.
This is almost purely cream. It’s actually sort of amazing because it even seems to have a thick creamy mouthfeel to it to. If I closed my eyes I might even think I was drinking warm sweetened vanilla cream. It’s actually pretty good. It kind of seems like a thinned out coffee creamer. Different from what I was expecting but not bad.
Flavors: Butter, Cream, Vanilla
As soon as the hot water hit this, and I got a whiff of pond water, I started to panic. What did I do? What did I get myself into? Why did I trust all the reviews. This isn’t going to taste sweet and chocolaty and caramelly. This is going to taste like licking pond scum. I stood there in fear during that 1st 30 second steep.
Tentatively, I took a sip. Nearly holding my breath, it seemed like it took an extra second for my mind to register what I was tasting. Hm, what’s this? This isn’t pond water at all! I don’t really know what to say about that first sip. I was baffled, no bad notes about it. I didn’t really taste any cocoa in those first few sips. It was much lighter than I expected, sweet, and almost caramelly. By the time I finished my first cup, I had decided I needed to skip class today and continue to experience this tea (I mean I didn’t have my notebook, that’s why I skipped class. Not because of tea. Good girls don’t skip class because of tea).
Second infusion, I went 45 seconds, and this time I got more cocoa notes. Again I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that puerh isn’t as dark and bitter and I guess straight coffee-ish as I expected. This is my first straight puerh, and the only other one I had was minty so I didn’t like it. But this? This is good.
I followed the increase by 15 seconds directions until the 5th steep, where I went up by a minute. MMM I’m definitely getting cocoa powder this time. And caramel. I drank about half the cup, and then saw the Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate with SeaSalt Caramel squares on the counter. I dropped on into my cup, and made up the 6th infusion (3 minutes) and poured that into too. Oh my decadence. This is like sweet sinful chocolate dessert in a cup. So chocolaty, with notes of caramel, some almost nuttiness, and a sort of earthiness. This is like a very complex and delicious hot chocolate. Oh my word. I’m sure I can get some more out of those leaves, but for now my tummy is nice and full and satisfied.
Not bad at all for what essentially is my first puerh, and my first Mandala order!
(warning, my cupboard isn’t 100% up to date. I’m hoping to clean it up this weekend, but it’s mostly accurate.)
Thanks for writing this up, Mandy! What a great ending to the story :) Yay!
Cheri – until midnight tonight you can check out all kinds of our loose ripe pu’er for 50% off. We’ve never done this kind of sale in 9 years of importing tea. If you have any questions, let me know. http://shopmandalatea.com/sale-items.html
I hope you are both having a super sweet day! Garret
I saw in one of your tasting notes that you have Milk Oolong from ThePeriTea coming in. If you’re willing to part with some I’d love to try that! I meant to order some Milk Oolong from Mandala and was so mad when I realized I forgot. If not I’d also love to try Lemon French Macaron from Butiki (:
My Mandala order arrived today and I gave this one a try, but I am going to try again before I write it up. I definitely found some chocolate/cocoa, but it wasn’t sweet or caramelly. I liked it, but I think I can get more out of this.
I’m tempted, Garret, but I’m completely new to pu’er. I wouldn’t know what to order, and I’d be worried I’d order the wrong thing. I think even though it’s an amazing deal, I’m going to have to sit this one out. I’ll try the sample of it from Mandy, and see what I think.
Sarsonator how long did you steep it for? I saw a lot of people found more cocoa and caramel coming out with longer steeps. Also the more times I steeped it the more caramel and cocoa seemed to come out. And if you aren’t against sweetening your tea, a touch of sweetener really draws out those notes
Cheri I also got Temple Stairs in my order, I haven’t tried it yet but I’d be more than happy to send you a bit of that too. It’s supposed to be a good beginner puerh from what I understand. Probably what I should have started with but I went for this one instead. I’m a complete newbie to puerhs too (;
Hmm I don’t know what to think about this. I want to like it but something is holding me back. There’s a weird taste at the end of the sip that I cat quite describe but that seems to build up as I continue to drink. Now truthful it’s possible I added too much stevia and that’s effecting the taste, but I’m not too sure that’s what it is. I let it get cold and I like it better that way. I’m thinking maybe it’s the peppercorn and other spices that are throwing me because my minds trying to tell me that this is a fruity tea. But those red peppercorns do look awfully cute. (I took a picture of this and all the other teas in my cupboard without pictures and added them because seeing them with no image bugs me. That’s when I realized I never tried this tea yet)
Thanks MissB for sending me a sample of this!
I drank this while doing homework and quizzes today and as such wasn’t paying enough attention to right a proper tasting note. I know I enjoyed it, because it had fresh crisp vegetal notes that I love so much and wasn’t smokey like some of the other teas in the sampler are, which I’m not fond of. I want to do a side by side comparison of the 6 no flavored greens teas in the sampler so that I can learn the differences among then and be able to better understand what I do and don’t like in a green tea.
This is the first time I’m having a not otherwise flavored genmaicha. It tastes just like the other ones I’ve tried, but without the spices. The little sample tin I have is chocked full of rice, and the rice flavor really comes through in a delicious toasty way. Genmaichas are just a very satisfying tea to me, warm and toasty and comforting. One of those teas I can drink for a snack and truly feel satisfied after like I just had something hardy.
Of the 3 samples I received, this one the only thing that intimidated me. I don’t think I’ve ever even smelled frankincense before, and I cant find word to describe it even now that I have. But you can definitely tell this was scented by a perfumer. The smells are quite intense! Even after brewed it smelled pretty intense to me. Thankfully the taste was milder.
This is not as scary as I was expecting. I didn’t add any sweetener, because this is almost more on the savory side of the tea spectrum. I sort of want to add a little salt and see what thats like.
This really is sort of balsamic tasting. I caved and added a touch of salt to the last half of my mug, and I like the result. Sort of brothy, and a very light sort of sense. The website says it can be resteeped 4 times so I’ll try that in a bit and see how it goes.
Sorry you didn’t have such a good experience…so funny cause I get none of that “pond water”, but I used to hate pu’erh at the beginning…I think you are doing great in your tasting and evaluations so far ;-)
Hi! So excited to see you diving in with shu pu’er! The rinse is a must. Matter of fact, in China, they do two rinses of the leaf to start a sesh with ripe tea, 3 if it is tea nugget pu’er. That will help your brew significantly.
If you were here, I’d have you in to our tea room and we’d sit down and brew us up some great tea times!
Keep up the good work, you really are doing great. Never hesitate to ask any questions if I may be of help, ok? [email protected]
TheTeaFairy I actually did have a good experience! The 3rd steep on was good, even if I had a hard time describing it. And the first two cups taught me that rinsing is a must, and that Special Dark is just the exception to the rule!
I used to have turtles that my sister and I caught (“rescued” according to us) from the (retention) pond in our old neighbor hood. And the smell of pu’erh remind me of the smell of those turtles. Like wet slippery mud. Thankful after the first cup it didn’t taste like it smelled.
And thank you, I’ve been trying, it’s so hard for me to put a finger on what I’m tasting or smelling sometimes, and when I do it’s usually something zany (like chamomile tastes like celery to me).
Garret That makes a lot of sense, especially since the first two cups were the only not so good ones. I actually just started a session with Imperial Dark, rinsing it twice first, and seems like it did a perfect job washing the pond water away.
I wish I was there! Thats something I’ve been wanting to do! I feel like having a session with a professional would teach me so much about how brew as well as to help me identify what I’m tasting.
Oh, I said that only cause of the “pond scum” you mentioned…I’m glad your experience got better and better :-)
And yes, garret, I would pay to have a tea session with you!! Learn directly from the master :-)