761 Tasting Notes
Backlog from this morning. Yep, still on the fence with this one. I’m thinking I did not get much actual tea in the small sample, so I’m considering dumping the last of m y Mi Xian Black from Butiki in to fluff it up. It just seemed so…weak. And I’m not sure if the tartness I have in my mouth is from the tea, or affected my perception of the tea. I’m gonna try to scrub my tongue some, and see if there is something causing the taste. I’ve had this before, though I don’t recall if I did anything special to fix it or if it went away on its own.
So….I think I like this. I’ve had a sort of tart taste in my mouth since Pom Tango this morning. I don’t know if it is that all my teas today have been a little tart, or that it’s from Pom Tango, or maybe my tongue needs a good cleaning?
From what I can tell, this tea is pretty good, but I’m not 100% sure I am tasting the tea properly just yet. I have a small pack, about 16g, so I have more to try out. I think this will be good as a cold brew and good to have another herbal without hibiscus or licorice (anise or fennel). And one that is just as good hot as cold.
I definitely want to try resteeping when the tart sour taste is out of my mouth (it happens every now and again) but from what I can tell, I think I will like it.
Not a stellar tea, but pretty decent for the cost. I might pick up some small caramel cubes and add them to see if I can replicate Orange Brulee from Della Terra.
The main thing here is the orange note. It’s kind of an orange creamsicle kind or orange…sweet and vanilla cream. Unfortunately, it does overshadow the oolong, but it really isn’t half bad. It’s super cheap, and it might be ok every now and again, and some tweaking by making some additions may help too. I may also look at adding milk to enhance creaminess. I also think this might make a nice cold brew in warmer temps.
I don’t think this is as bad as some people have noted, but I can understand the fake orange being an issue for some. I personally feel that the sweet orange is the best compliment to this kind of oolong. but it could be me.
Picked up a small amount of this today…about 12-14g of it, and you know, it’s alright.
I’m not getting anything super flavory…I am not getting super peachy or super apple. but that’s ok, actually. I get a little of a juicy peach, and a sort of smooth (perhaps creamy?) note as well. I have heard that this is pretty good as a latte, so I may need to try that.
The only thing I noticed is that my steeper had a hard time straining this one. I’m not sure if it is coincidence or not. I’ll take my steeper apart and give it a super clean in case something got clogged somewhere. But a word to the wise, this one may be a bagged tea kind of tea.
I think I will probably pick up more of this to try (maybe 25g to start?), as I really want to find teas without caffeine that I like, for nights (or after I have had too much caffeine in general), that is tasty hot and cold. I don’t know what this one will be like cold, but I think it is gonna be nice iced or cold brewed.
Sipdown #4 today/tonight!
Ok, so I’m really only having this one now for 2 reasons…1) because of the spices and the fact I think I have a sinus infection, so maybe the spices will do me good, and 2) for the sipdown factor.
It’s really not my favourite tea, so I’m not sad to see this one go.
Sipdown #3 today!
I’m cleaning out my cupboard to make room for new stuffs, so trying to sipdown what I can. Might manage a 4th later.
So, on to this tea. I have not had a straight oolong in some time. I don’t know why, really, because I do traditionally love them. I get so wrapped up in my shiny shiny that I often forget about things I have.
The leaves are quite typically dark green and shriveled and sort of ball like. The brew is still pale, like the first time I made this. There’s a mild floral scent to it, but nothing so overpowering, and you can pick up a little of the roasted flavour. The taste is a little more roasted and less floral.
As I mentioned in my initial tasting note, this is a very basic medium toned oolong, that is a nice starter one. It is not overly complex, which is actually quite fine. Sometimes the simple things are best. Like today, my lunch was spinach linguine tossed in a brown butter sauce, with a little parmesan. Super easy, super tasty. If my lemon half hadn’t gone bad, I’d probably have squeezed a little juice over it all too. Just simple flavours and sooo good.
Anyway, I like this oolong, but it is not amazing. I am thankful to Angel from Teavivre for providing me with this sample to try.
I’m sure I have reviewed this one before. Odd. I think Steepster has eaten some of my notes because there are other teas I have made notes on that didn’t show on later steeps.
Anyway, this is a good tea. It is smooth for a black, with no bitterness or astringency. There are light cocoa and raisin notes to me, with a bit of sweetness. It’s really a nice straight black tea. This is one that I can have without milk…though I did sweeten a little.
Thanks to CrowKettle for letting me try this little bit of gold. It’s really tasty.