761 Tasting Notes
Sad to say, but this one is not a favourite. I was concerned about the rose petals in the blend, though thankfully they were not too strong….though they did border on making this blend too floral for me, as I have very little tolerance for floral teas, especially rose. Because of this, I was not able to pick up on the other flavours much…I’m just so super sensitive to florals. I was hoping this one was mild enough, and while mild, not mild enough for me.
It is a highly lovely tea to look at though, and I’m grateful for the chance to try it, so thanks VariaTEA for sending it. I’m not sure if I will make the last serving or set it aside for a swap.
Umm, I think I like this one just slightly better than Pumpkin Milkshake, but I can’t really explain why. I’ll see if I can figure that out with another steep. Might make one in one tumbler and one in the other for a side my side.
Thanks OMGsrsly for the sample on this one.
Wanted to try this again to compare it to the Orange Oolong I got at Bulk Barn a few weeks ago. This one is a bit more subtle than the BB one, and just that little bit better. That said, I might just keep the BB one on small supply and add caramel bits to it, because it is so cheap and easily accessible, and not hugely inferior. I have just done an order with CrowKettle for some DT stuff, and this was not on the list…but it might be in the future.
Read the other reviews for more details…
Gave this one a go today, given the weather. Sadly, it has not wowed me. I find the base a little strong, and the spices a little generic. Nothing about this tea really makes me think of gingerbread, but it might have just been an off brew, so we’ll see how the last of the sample goes. This is ok, but not great.
Thanks, OMGsrsly for sending this. Maybe the last bit will be better.
A tea that both smells and tastes the way it is named? Uhh, yes please!
I thoroughly enjoyed this tea today. There’s something that was in the background that really added to the buttery cookie feel to this tea. I don’t know how they do it, but I can taste oatmeal raisin cookie with each sip.
This might be just first time love and second time fail, but I have another serving in my sample from VariaTEA. If I still like it then, I’ll probably get some in a group order with CrowKettle (and potentially whoever else in town wants to join in).
I’m super stressed out right now. I found out some bad news about a co-worker today, and I’m really wound up about it, since I actually care a lot for this person, and their situation is terrible right now. I came home after chatting with them on their (late) lunch break, but I ended up trying to take a nap to relax and hope my headache eased with darkness. Unfortunately, I’m still wound up and my head still hurts. So I’m hoping this tea offers some solace, at least for a little bit.
I, uhhh, accidentally steeped this the full 24 minutes my dinner was cooking in the oven for (not that I feel like eating). Thank goodness it’s herbal. It’s actually still ok, but maybe a little lemongrass-y. It is pretty tasty though. I hope my stomach will settle a little from the ginger.
Thanks to OMGsrsly for letting me try this one. It’s pretty tasty, aside from my results of over-steeping it.
Had some of this this morning before heading out. Oddly, I got a strawberry feel. Maybe it was my headache and my senses were off?
I di find the base to be nice and dense, but not overly strong. That said, I did opt to add milk to it. I might not next time, though I think I may cold steep the rest. I’m not sure.
Maybe a future serving I’ll have a better taste of it. I did like it, even though I thought it was strawberry. Ha!
Thanks to VariaTEA for letting me try this one. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the rest of my sample.
This smells really good. I’m not sure if I didn’t steep this right or what. It’s tasting quite mild to me, but I can taste something. Debating whether I should make the rest hot or save for a cold steep later on.
Thanks to VariaTEA for this one. I think it has good potential, but I’m just not sure I got the best it can be.
So, 52 Teas…we meet again. I’ve been really hit and miss with you. So, this tea? Hiss?
Hit in the sense it is a tasty tea…miss in that it’s a stretch to call it french toast. I can taste the cinnamon and the buttery syrup, but nothing really screaming french toast. I’ll have to try the milk thing to see if that changes things. Basically, if I was given the tea to taste, not knowing it was called french toast, I would not have guessed it.
But like I said, it is a tasty tea, and nice for breakfast. I’ll try the rest of my sample from VariaTEA with milk next time.
Sample from OMGsrsly since last time I had basically one-ish serving…and I felt like I was really on the fence with it and wanted more to see if I could get a better handle on it.
So, I have a little more to play with. Honestly? I’m still on the fence. I don’t find anything wow with this. I don’t get cake. I do get a thick mouthfeel, and sweet. I don’t find this bad or offensive…it’s good, but I think the only reason I’d get this is due to it being caffeine free, so if I found something I liked better, I’d get that.
But don’t get me wrong steepsterites…it is tasty. It’s just really mild. I’ll continue to drink it, but I think I’d be on the lookout for something better to satisfy the caffeine free option. It is something I might consider getting just for the caffeine free option in the meantime, but I’m going to eventually work with Stacy on a custom honeybush, so that might fill the gap.
I have a few more servings left to see if my mind changes.
Oh no. I hoped it wouldn’t be too bad but when you don’t like something, that tends to be what stands out. At least you tried and know for sure now.
It’s ok. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too floral, and it was just on the fence of being too floral and not floral.