761 Tasting Notes


Sad sip down…this tea is seriously made of nomsome (noms + awesome!). I hope DT stocks it again soon, cuz I need a whole bunch of this tea. It not only smells like the real thing, it TASTES like the real thing too. It’s incredible. It makes a good morning tea (who doesn’t want cookies for brekkie…hmmm?) and of course after dinner, if you don’t mind caffeine in the evening.

CrowKettle and I put together a joint DT order and really wanted to get this, but they were out, so thanks to VariaTEA for sending me this, so now I know for sure this is a tea I want regularly.


Oh no. I am sorry you couldn’t get more of this.


It drives me crazy whenever I see this on my dash, because it makes me crave oatmeal raisin cookies something BAD. Ungghh.


I wonder when it will be back in stock? Maybe I ought to email and ask?

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Sipdown! Sad to see this one go, though! Many thanks to both OMGsrsly and VariaTEA for sending me samples. I never thought I’d actually be able to taste the marshmallow here, but I can! And it’s so good! My luck with Herbal Infusions was not great til this one came along. It’s staying on my wish list for now, though I hope to try a few more from them and decide what I want to order from them in
addition to this one.


Can you order this one still?


Dunno. Hmmmm, that might be an issue. Was it a Christmas only thing?


Yeah. It was one of their Cyber Monday teas


Dang. Maybe it’ll return.

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Talking to Stacy on FB made me drink this…not a real hard twist on my arm, either…

but ugh, shouldn’t be having caffeine so late, and I’ve been bad and had Vanilla Frosted Carrot Cake, Dolce Orange (from Janet’s) and this.

Sooooo gooooood. It’s my first love from Butiki. This and With Open Eyes are my two faves, though I do love more than these…but I’d like, die, if these ever stop being made. :P

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Did I really initially rate this a 39? Oh dear. I’ll have to bump it up.

I used the rest of my bag, otherwise I’d have been left with less than a serving left. And I thought I might resteep this one again later.

Anyway, it is better than last time, but I taste more oolong floral and less strawberry. I still maintain that I like the Teavivre one over this because I think it has a little more strawberry to it, and the oolong is less fragrant and overpowering. As a straight oolong, this is pretty tasty, but I really can’t pick up on much strawberry…which again, may be because I used more than suggested.

Butiki Teas

I wonder if you were part of the order that ended up getting the bottom of the tin where there was a lot of flowers that ended up overpowering the tea.


Not sure. It’s from my order with the big group last year.

Butiki Teas

I don’t remember who ordered but there was a group Canadian order that had an issue with the Strawberry.


Might have been…I know a few people from the group had mixed feelings on this one.

Butiki Teas

Here is a link from the ‘incident’. http://steepster.com/lindsay/posts/177413#comments. After she received the new tea, she reported that it tasted vastly different.


No, this seems separate. Mine did not taste like lavender, but a very floral oolong. In a non-laveneder way. Just floral in the way some oolongs are. And just not much strawberry. This steep was better than the original, which is why I bumped my rating. But it’s ok. I only had a small amount because it was from a joint order via OMGsrsly…it was good to try this.

Butiki Teas

Ah, I see. I think we might move on from this one, since there is another strawberry tea I want to make but can’t justify having 4 strawberry teas.


Other than Ruby Pie and With Open Eyes, and this…what’s the other strawberry tea?

Butiki Teas

So, it is WOE, Ruby, and this but I kind of want to make the tea I made for my friend Chocolate Espresso cupcake with strawberry vanilla frosting.


OMG, yes please!

Butiki Teas

Cavocorax-It needs some work because I made a guayusa for her and I think that flavor would sell better with a different base, even though guayusa works amazingly well with both the espresso and the strawberry.


Ooooh! Need a tester? :P

Butiki Teas

Hahaha. :)

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Sipdown, and what a pleasant one at that!

This tea is just so pleasant, I hesitate to properly describe it in a way other than YUM! It’s a little sweet and fruity, and more body than most whites I’ve had. I’d love to see how the other Doke harvests are, as well as some of the other whites Stacy has to offer. I’m curious on the White Rhino, and maybe a few others.

Thanks CrowKettle for letting me have the rest of the pouch.

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Sipdown! Having the last of this one from Cavocorax tonight. I meant to have it last night with my Della Terra day, but never got there.

I really like this one, and now I wonder if I ordered this with my joint order with CrowKettle or not. If not, then next time when some of the other items we wanted come back in stock.

This is sweet and nutty, but in a way that is different to Forever Nuts from David’s. It has more body and depth, from the honeybush/rooibos base.

I’d definitely get more to have on hand for nighttime tea. I’m so glad I could try it.

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drank Peaches & Cream by DAVIDsTEA
761 tasting notes

So I refilled this one, with about 30g, I think, to play with more. Having it hot, with milk, and aside from vanilla bean floaties, it is pretty good. I don’t know if I will refill after this pack is up or not, but we’ll see how subsequent steeps are.


Ugh I hate the vanilla bean floaties in this and Mango Lassi, but the teas taste pretty good, just unsightly to look at haha

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drank Eve by Nina's Paris
761 tasting notes

Sipdown! I decided to have the rest of this one after chatting with Anna on Facebook earlier. Since I’m on the west coast of Canada and she is in Italy, it was bedtime for her. So I thought that Eve would be nice.

This is still a very pleasant tea, though the flavours are a little too mild for me. I can get a little of the juicy fruits and some sweetness. This is another one that I think I like better cooled rather than hot, but still good either way. I think I prefer Sur La Lune better, for the types of fruit notes.

Thanks for letting me try all these Nina’s teas, VariaTEA!

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Sipdown, and another I seem to have forgotten to write a note for, though I swear I did…did Steepster eat my note?

Anyway, not an amazing tea, to be honest. I think the cinnamon is a little overpowering, and I can’t really taste much else. On this last steep, I opted to add some milk, to see if it would make the icing pop a bit, but it just tastes kinda funny with the cinnamon note.

It’s not horrible, but nothing that is wowing me. I do thank VariaTEA for sending me this, as I’m always on the hunt for a good caffeine free blend, and I handle honeybush better than rooibos. Unfortunately, it’s just not a huge winner for me.


Sometimes it is really spot on but 9/10 my experience aligns with yours. Sorry you didn’t end up with a tasty brew.


It’s ok. I was really hoping to like it. But there was something with the cinnamon, that almost gave it a licorice like feel. It was odd….

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drank S'mores Genmaicha by 52teas
761 tasting notes

Sipdown! Yay! Good genmai cha…I can just barely make out a hint of cocoa, and there is a sweet creamy feel and taste from the marshmallow. But it is still pretty close to a regular genmai cha, just a little sweeter.

(somehow I missed my note the first time, so this serves as the same note for both tastings)

Thank you VariaTEA for sending this my way to try.

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I generally like a lot of tea. I do find I have a preference for flavored over unflavoured, but I do love a good straight tea as well.

Likes are too hard, since there are a lot. Dislikes are easier, so here they are…

Hibiscus. Blech. I can tolerate a little, depending on the brew, like Berry Good from Davids and Ruby Pie from Butiki…but in general, it’s too tart and too strong for me.

Licorice. Anything that remotely resembles licorice is out too, so that includes fennel and anise. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

Florals. I’m cool with petals in the tea to make them look pretty (except rose), and I’m cool with teas like oolongs having a floral note, but strong florals can give me migraines. Rose and jasmine are the biggest offenders. This is one where it can vary on the blend, as I can handle Teavivre’s Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl tea because there is very little jasmine actually detectable in it.

Rooibos is hit or miss. I can do some, but not others. I handle green better than red, and honeybush better than rooibos.

My ratings don’t have a particular scale or method, and may on occasion contradict themselves, but I’m honestly not fussed about that. Sometimes I don’t even rate at all.

Um, I have an extensive wishlist. It is both a list of things I want to get again, and things I want to try. If you are sending me something, and you want to know which is which, I’ll tell you via PM.

Yes, I do trades…usually on request though. See something you want to try in my cupboard? Just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do!

Uh, guess that’s it.


Victoria, BC

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