761 Tasting Notes
I think the berries and fruits in this tea pop a bit more when the tea is cooled, though I can’t really make out individual notes, as they all seem to meld together for me. I think I like this better cooled than hot…but it is good either way.
Thanks for letting me try this one VariaTEA as I think I like this one the best of the Nina’s except for Japon. Which is pretty much perfection.
It was a relatively warm day for us here today, so in addition to my Coco-Lemon Thai iced tea to go, I added 12g of this tea.
It smells and tastes pretty much the same, so it is pretty good. I am getting more melon than cucumber, I think, but that’s ok. I am getting mint.
It’s pleasant enough, and I may repurchase later when it is warmer for some cold steeping, but right now, I don’t have a super need for more of it yet.
I like Blue Lagoon best. I find Pom Tango too mild. I like Pom Tango better than this though. I’d like to see how they both stack up cold brewed though.
Sipdown! Yay!
I had to get up at stupid o’clock this morning to take hubby to the airport. He’s off to San Fran covering Macworld for work…but he is back on Saturday, so not too long. Anyway…on to the tea.
So I had a mediocre experience with this one the first time I tried it, but had read that some people found it better with milk, so I said that next time I would do it with milk too…
So, it worked! It is MUCH BETTER with milk. I could actually taste more french toast flavours. Hoorah! So I’m upping the rating, since it is way better with milk.
Thanks to VariaTEA for letting me try this one! It’s a nice morning tea, with milk.
This is one of my faves…I got some today, iced, as I was doing a lot of walking downtown earlier…and it was warmish out. I have to say that I do prefer this one hot over iced, but it is still tasty this way.
I picked this one because of the ginger in it, and the fact that my throat is hurting on one side, which I thought might have been irritation from me swallowing my vitamins wrong last night, but my right ear also feels congested, soooo…..I’m probably getting sick again, or it’s allergies. Will have to go do a neti rinse soon, I think…
Sipdown! I am getting a stronger profile on this one, this last steep. Perhaps I steeped it longer? I am getting a juicy pineapple note, though nothing I can quite say is angel food cake. This could be because my mouth is heavily flavoured still, from my dinner, which may be altering my perceptions on the smaller notes of the tea. I’m upping my rating a little, and I may consider buying a small amount test out cold steeping, but I would like to try Butiki Flowering Pineapple Oolong first…
Thanks again for the chance to try this one, VariaTEA
Very stressful times for me right now…dealing with someone who is being blatantly passive aggressive with me, and has some super annoying habits. Today is my Friday, so I’m at the end of my rope with this last work week.
So, this is the tea I made, and ahhhhh……..yes! Love you Nina’s Japon! I need to get more of you!
Thanks for VariaTEA for sending more of this along for me. I really really like this tea.
Yay for tasty teas to brighten an otherwise not-so-awesome day. This tea alone would get my to place an order with the company, although I think my feelings for this tea have been made very clear already :P.
I do too, keychange. It’s things like they are never ever late, but after an incident calling them out on their error, suddenly they’re 10 minutes late in the morning with no warning. Or that they happened to forget, overnight, after said confrontation, that I’m sensitive to perfumes and strong smells, that they decide to bathe themselves in the most awful floral perfume ever, that leaves traces wherever they go, and then they go and follow me all over and stand right next to me.
This steeping is not that good, but I over zealously used the rest of my sample from OMGsrsly in my steeper this morning rather than measuring it, so I think I overleafed it a bit. It’s a bit bitter and astringent, but the last time I had it, it was super yummy. This time, it’s all my fault for it not tasting good.
I am glad you liked it. And Japon certainly reigns supreme, though this is quite pleasant in its own right.
Yeah, this one is potentially re-purchasable because I think it would cold steep really well.
I never tried cold steeping it but perhaps I should.
I think it got juicier with it cooled.
Whenever someone writes about flavours ‘popping’ I imagine little bubbles bursting out of the surface of the tea…