This tea is totally misnamed. Pecan pie is a lie; it’s all almond. Actually, there is a hit of pistachio in the aftertaste, but it’s mostly almond. It’s quite sweet, but in a marzipan way—there’s no caramel or pastry going on here. I was hoping for something a little closer to my beloved Butiki Maple Pecan Oolong (despite this not being an oolong), but this is decidedly something else. There’s that same thin Ceylon base DF seems to use for just about all of their flavored blacks, and, as with a bunch of others, I feel like Pecan Pie could’ve benefitted from something a little more robust. All that said, this is a very pleasant tea. It probably won’t be a restock for me, but I’m glad to have the chance to try it—yay group order!
I know! I’ve heard good things about A Quarter to Tea’s version; someday when my tea stash is more under control I may try to go in on a reblend.
Butiki’s Maple Pecan Oolong is my favourite tea of all teas! Forever searching for a replacement ):
I know! I’ve heard good things about A Quarter to Tea’s version; someday when my tea stash is more under control I may try to go in on a reblend.
Yep! Me too. A reblend of that is my only decent hope right now.