3010 Tasting Notes
This is probably the prettiest tisane I’ve ever seen. Nice big, fluffy flower chunks.
It seemed a little mint heavy, but the floral combo behind it was a nice sensory experience. Still licking my lips to figure out what all was there, even after the cup was finished. My senses are dulled (heavy, heavy stress at work … fretting a bit about elder care issue after mom’s surgery) so it was nice to have something else to think about for a bit.
Looseleaf; medicinal. Brach’s Mallowcreme Pumpkins are wonderful this time of year while the bags are fresh; however, several on top of a Maria’s chimichanga … not so smart. I’ve got to quit eating like a teenager.
Half a cup is wonderful for an aw-I-shouldna-done-that tummy.
What Eteaket calls “tangyness with a hint of fresh grass” is hitting me as “lime with a hint of floor cleaner.” But in a good way, if that’s possible. Not a bit of chemical, but definitely a citrusy-clean thing happening. The way you want your house to smell.
Lovely for a breezy afternoon at Shabby House. Temps in the mid 70’s, clean post-rain sunshine. I want to bottle this weather.
The scent of the dry mix is spot on—cream cheese and all. I steeped this on the longish side of the recommended range (6-10 minutes) and am coming up way heavy on the raspberry and way light on the danish. May have to experiment a bit with timing.
But with that said, raspberry is a really nice complementary flavor to honeybush, which really does have a different (fruitier?) character than rooibos.
Having stuffed myself at lunch, this was a nice guilt-free dessert.
For some reason this smelled like feet to me. Tasted okay but each time I lifted it to my mouth it smelled like feet and I had to pour it out :/ So odd.
Now I’m curious (need to stay at keyboard, but making mental note to go smell pouch first time I let myself take a break :)
This is in my review box for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, so I’ll save my thunder for there. Just wanted to log it and announce that any thunder in my part of the world is accompanying a welcome, heat-breaking rain that I am observing blissfully from my Shabby House rocking chair. A real Sabbath rest.
A gracious good morning to you.
Remember Gerber Blueberry Buckle baby food? Both the dry mix and the steeped tea smell just like it. (Ah, nostalgia!)
Final taste test results will have to wait, if my self-control holds out. I put it straight in the fridge to chill. Looks like we’re in for one more hot afternoon before what looks to be a nice stretch of tea-tasting weather.
Interesting description and yes I DO recall said baby food! Actually knew college friends who would buy that when they were low on funds when they needed a sweet treat! This sounds really interesting!
One of the occupational (recreational?) hazards of being a Steepster junkie is that you read about so many kinds of tea, you’re armed with preconceptions when you try something new.
Had the rare treat of trying this one blind this morning. Never heard of it, never tasted it, got to figure out the flavors from my first taste test. I’m still figuring. We’ve got a floral thing happening—that was when it was fresh and hot. Now it’s about half cool, and there’s brown sugar and caramel. Then I peeked and the description mentions nutmeg … yeah. A lot going on here for oolong-lovers.
This is really too light for a morning tea; fortunately, I am blessed with a rare don’t-gotta-get-up-and-start-running-first-thing morning, so something gentle and tasty is OK. But I do gotta-start-running-soon … three writing deadlines before October 1, which is looking scarily close … so (deep breath) off I go!
Getting lots of the fruity-woodsy flavors this morning instead of anything cocoa-y. If I’d had time before dashing out today, it would have been perfect with toast and applesauce.
I need to quit saying something is my very-favorite-ever, because as soon as I do, something better comes along. Like this one. So let’s just call this one my very favorite Adagio non-herbal. For now.
I like the sound of that stress-zapping blend! Hang in there. I understand elder care issues very, very well.
Thanks, Jenn. I was genetically loaded with daughter guilt :) I may have to load up on comforting herbals over the next few weeks!
Hang in there! Give yourself a break. I didn’t give myself one and it would have been much better if I had!