3010 Tasting Notes
I am the most inconsistent person on the planet, so it’s nice to land on a tea that is consistently and predictably good. This is! You do, however, have to pay attention to time and temp to keep the butterscotch thing from turning into bitter-scotch…so I’m saving it for weekend treats when I have a little more time to take care.
I’m thinking the name should probably be “Organic Green Tea With a Possible Hint of Mint But You’ll Have to Concentrate Really Hard to Actually Taste It” Some of this is probably due to work microwave and the inability to carefully control time and temp, but I’m getting a lot more of a bitter gunpowdery green flavor than any mint. It’s not bad, but one of the few—if any—H&S blends I don’t think I’d repeat.
I like my citrus to be circumspect and well-behaved, not brassy and obnoxious. Thus, this little herbal blend is about right for me. Not tart at all, just sunny and cheerful.
Felt a little adventurous this morning, so tossed in a bit of shaved unsweet coconut. The coconut doesn’t “blend,” exactly, but it complements. Two separate flavors tap dancing at the same time.
This is really good, chiefly because the blenders didn’t think it was necessary to mess up the blend with a lot of spices. Just good, sweet fruit.
The source is a bit of a mystery…I had intended to write a longer review for this one for www.itsallabouttheleaf.com, but I can’t seem to land on the correct Tealicious website to pull up more complete product info. It was a sample that chased us around Southwest Missouri while we were refugeeing, and I think it came from Singapore. Any leads?
Sun tea wins! I am not chemist or foodie enough to explain why the ultra-low steeping temp made a difference, but the jar of tea I left to its own devices on the front porch is almost devoid of the tart hibiscus taste. This is more like an unsweet fruit punch and is darn tasty chilled. Side by side with the conventional steep, it’s almost like tasting two different teas.